
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Discuss and evaluate the social, physical and psychological needs of Essay

Discuss and evaluate the social, physical and psychological needs of churlren when particpating in sport and exercise - Essay ExampleIn recent years, experts are trying to investigate the social, physical, and psychological needs of children, so that efficient steps git be taken to learn their proper development. This paper will specifically discuss some of such needs that are infixed for children during their sport activities and exercises.It is very imperative to provide positive environment to children, which can motivate them in enhancing their dissimilar skills. It is observed that atmosphere plays an important role during sport activities, and one of the significant physical needs for children is a positive and proper environment that should be safe, healthy, secure, as well as, near to nature, as children develops intellectually more quickly in natural environment, rather than artificial one. (Humphrey, pp. 23-25) In addition, children are very sensitive and studies wa tch indicated that a biased environment often reverses their development process. In this regard, guardians and teachers should consider providing opportunity to every child to show his talent and skills, in order to keep down any kind of inferiority or complex, which can be very complicated for their disposition development in future. Furthermore, appropriate training is necessary to avoid any kind of psychological abuse that may affect children during participation in sport activities. In this regard, a number of social, physical, and psychological needs are essential and important to enhance the process of personality development in children around the globe. It is hoped that the paper will be beneficial for students, teachers, and professionals in better collar of the

Monday, April 29, 2019

The effects of alcohol drinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The effects of alcohol insobriety - Essay ExampleThis paper will elaborate on the noxious effects of drinking on physical wellness, mental and psychological well-being and education that later result to adverse consequences to society as a whole. Effects of Drinking It should be pointed out that alcohol drinking among youths has increased tremendously in last 15 20 years primarily due to peer influence, excessive drinking of family members, portrayal of exaggerated images of fortitude / bravery of actors in movies, continuous persuasive and reminder advertising of alcohol beverages. Kremer and impose (2008) have highlighted that frequent / occasional alcohol drinking is common among students who share similar rooms with separate alcohol drinkers. Nevertheless, the academic performance of such drinkers is significantly lower in comparison to non-drinkers. Usually, students end up with poor grades and low CGPAs as an outcome of their drinking habit (addiction to alcohol). Drinker s are found addicted to knockout drugs and narcotics. The second most dangerous effect of alcohol drinking on youths is behavioral misconduct and vexation of thinking and understanding abilities (Snyder et al, 2006). ... As a result, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases take place, which negatively affects health of male and female students. For instance, the situation makes grave when male students get indulged in sexual harassment, dating force out and physical abuse to their female counterparts, which then lead to disciplinary violations and lack of harmony within exposit of educational institutions (Miller et al, 2006). Other serious behavioral issues with youth drinkers include carelessness / recklessness / wildness in driving and aggressive moves towards other students the outcomes of which are nothing but grisly accidents (life-long disabilities and financial losses) and unnecessary (baseless and avoidable) combats in the midst of / among rival individ uals / groups. The worst outcomes of frequent alcohol drinking (especially the case with addicts) include lack of emotional stability / control and obvious personality weaknesses, which then leads to suicides and homicides as highlighted by Duncan et al (2005). For instance, emotionally unstable (and drunk) youths when become hopeless at a certain point in their life then they commit suicides, thereby considering any unfavorable outcomes and events as an end of the world. Similarly, when drunk youths are unable to satisfy themselves through infringement and physically torture towards their rivals, they select homicide as an appropriate option and assassinate their enemies. Conclusion I would direct like to end up this analysis by summarizing the facts that alcohol drinking is not only ruinous for a drinkers mental and physical health but also may lead to conflicts among people, suicides and murders. Society, as a whole, is affected because emotionally

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 81

Discussion - testify ExampleThis research explores the effect of competences of emotional intelligence including empathy, awareness, emotional response, and emotional control on utile delegation of tasks and authorities in the banking industry of Malaysia. This research found a relative link amongst competitiveness and productivity in the workplace and emotional intelligence. There is on-going debate and research work regarding the utmost to which emotional intelligence sets the stage for effective leadership. Competitiveness and success of bank managers imparts the need for managers to understand their feature as well as their teams emotions, and the importance of their role in the organization. Managers need to attractive force a balance between their intellect and emotion.The success and growth of any industry depends upon the productivity of the workers. field of force of this article leads one to the conclusion that there is a huge role of emotional intelligence of manage rs in the correct delegation of tasks to the overcompensate employees. Delegation of authorities to the right people for the right reasons and at the right time boosts workers productivity and helps the organization achieve its goals

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Managing Innovation at St. Lukes Medical Center Essay

Managing Innovation at St. Lukes Medical Center - Essay modelingEvery organization exists to achieve a purpose. In order to attain organizational goals, a facility of policies and strategies are defined and developed by management. As averred by Christensen, Andrews, & Bower (3), policy is the study of the component parts and responsibilities of major(postnominal) management, the crucial problems that affect success in the total enterprise, and the decisions that determine the direction of the organization and shape its function. One of the strategic management decisions undertaken by aggressive and competitive organizations is innovation. Most business practitioners have heavy(a) accustomed to innovation stemming from new inventions and advancing technology. But suiting policy to changing circumstances includes as well as the application of a firms long-established strengths to unexplored segments of the market via innovations in price, service, distribution, or merchandising. Innovation is the surgical operation by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people allow for pay. In business, innovation results often from the application of a scientific or technical idea in decreasing the gap between the needs or expectations of the customers and the performance of a firms products. (Business Dictionary 1)One of the close innovative organizations in Asia is St. Lukes Medical Center in the Philippines. It is the number one hospital in the Philippines but its vision is to be one of the top five medical institutions in Asia by 2010.

Friday, April 26, 2019

WorkBrain Corp- A case in exit stratgy Research Paper

WorkBrain Corp- A case in exit stratgy - Research story ExampleThe federation is doing fairly well being a private entity. The family has cash in abundance, over $10 million and can easily operate within its realm. Moreover the current consecrateors of the company are happy with the position of the firm in the market and are get outing to even invest much if need arises. No investor of the company has expressed any desire to withdraw its investment. These are confirming signs for the company and if it wishes to expand then the best alternate is to use cash from current investors who trusted in the vision of the company before it came into existence. Going humans may mean new investors with a antithetical vision that might not be in compliance with the current investors. Saying all this at a time is the perfect time to go popular. Going public would mean more customers for the company. At the moment WorkBrain has to urge its clients that it is financially solvent and in a good position to provide dos to them. As the customers cannot adopt the financial position of a private company they hesitate to get the work through with(p) from them. If WorkBrain goes public then all the financial details will be present for the customers to see and approach the company for their services. The company will benefit tremendously as it would be able to make clients and customers in such(prenominal) larger numbers. Keeping in mind how solvent the company is, it is the best time for WorkBrain to go public and make more customers (Bilimoria, 2007). The best option for the company would be to go with TSX listing. The reason for this is that TSX in forthcoming would be more viable. Compared to NASDAQ, TSX has a small-cap market with more some to medium term service providers and financial institutions. WorkBrain perfectly fits in their category. NASDAQ is more prestigious and has a larger clientele in wrong of grosss. It would be fair to say that if WorkBrain needs to go with NASDAQ it would have to come up with a revenue margin of around $75 million. The reason for the company to go public is that it makes it financial statement obvious in the market so that potential customers would know how solvent the company is. Going public gives them a chance to come out in the open and make more customers. Acquisition is a solely different proposition. It deals with selling a part of the company or rather a share of earnings with someone who is ready in buying a part of crease. Normally the rate at which an merchant bank buys part of the business is a much bigger rate because of the goodwill attached with the firm. As WorkBrain has done tremendously well showing consistent profit since it emergence, the takeover would have to pay a round of money for the acquisition. But there is no need of selling part or whole of the business when the firm is making sufficient profits and it is predicted that the company will only look to grow more in the comi ng years (Arnold, 2008). There might be other alternates that the company might look at. Bank loan is one of them but it comes with a cost. A high interest rate has to be paid whenever a company takes a loan from the bank. The biggest advantage of a loan is that the current owners will get to keep the possession of the firm without selling any part of the business to an investor or by going public in the stock exchange. The current owners will get to make the decisions just the guidance they now do as they will have the control of the firm. Lack of ability to pay in time may get the business into trouble and if

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Response to quiz questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Response to quiz questions - Assignment pillowcaseAs well, the signifier and the sign be continuously being used in our modern ending nowadays. Thus, the semiotic method can be used to examine popular culture by intercommunicate about the sign. The signs direct us to ask queries about its fundamental meaning, hence steering our attention to the constitution the sign fits and search for related signs that back up our primary hypothesis. Since all is connected, signs hint to one another(prenominal) thus enabling one to view the broad picture and how our culture is affected by them. In the American culture, vampires are so popular since they represent a sense of individuality, immorality, youth, eroticism and an outlaw hero. Thus, the semiotics assists us understand how vampires of in the present day are so popular (Maasik, and Solomon, 2).Typical stories at the origin of our life experience are termed as Myths. Additionally, myths are present in all literatures and cultures. Howev er, myths are true stories founded on facts since all of us bangs them at some level. In addition, myths connect and speaks to all of us. just about myths are true stories that achieve mythic importance since individuals involved appear superior to life and live their lives more forcefully than ordinary people. While others rotate around make-believe characters who have the potential of capsulizing for us our entire journeys. Additionally, some behaviours depicted by the make-believe might seem similar to characters we encountered in our dreams (Braumoeller, 23).In many hero stories, the hero is usually presented under ordinary circumstances, in a rational existence doing ordinary things. Usually, the hero originates as a non-hero looking humble, young and simple however in the word form of the story something different enters the heros life thus acting as a catalyser circumstance the story into motion. In many occasions, the hero is not willing to leave, thus termed as a loth hero who is uncertain,

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Public Affair class summary -- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Affair class summary -- - Essay ExampleTo be successful in the media relations a complete understanding of different media types such as print, broadcast and online media is essential. Moreover, the marrow is not always delivered as intended so to deal with the criticism an appointed spokesperson must(prenominal) have an authoritative, factual and credible way of approaching things. The criticism should be dealt with logical reasoning and defence mechanism is not an appropriate way of dealing. Moreover, the communications person must have a strong get by on all the media parameters with written plans, various options and deep investigative period to maneuver the crisis and leaks (Lee, Neeley and Stewart).This chapter is well instruction on the media relations. Fitch in the chapter suggests that a person should choose to work in an organization or with the boss who shares the similar values because it will make that person a stronger advocate of his missions. Before sho wtime up with any organization a proper research should be done on its history, previous records, their stated goals, missions and strategies and the long term plans. Clashes of interests in this line can lead to failure so apply the strategic positioning is mandatory. After completing the research and acquiring information about resources get familiarise with the media itself. It could be done by analyzing the perspectives of all communicators such as reporters and then by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of those potential partners and tone up for all opportunities and threats. The most important asset is the press list so it should be built and updated on time. Further there should be an emphasis on internal environment and timely strategies for the control of politics are essential. Other than that, the communication strategies should be developed so that all the criticisms and reviews of people could be handled intelligently (Fitch and Holt).The major focus of the cha pter is on explaining

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Business Communication Diary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Business Communication Diary - strain ExampleThe heterogeneous key concepts may include building goodwill practical, concise, clear, factual, and persuasive concepts among the involved parties. The congruous practice of the above elements brings about an effective discourse surrounded by the involved individuals. Clear communication be the key to each and every effective undertaking postulate to be enhanced in lodge to facilitate the growth and expansion of the distinct ideological methodologies used in different categories.Communication needs to be more persuasive in order to make the involved individuals more satisfied in their discussion. With the satisfaction of the parties involved such as the customers, there is the retention of the customers thence earning the business loyalty which is a key element in enhancing the growth of business goodwill (Bovel, Courtland, and John, 50). Transparency in whatever communication is another key factor in enabling effective communi cation to take place between parties because it fosters and endeavours finding the truthiness of the matter to avoid deceit hence creating trust between the parties involved.In analysing the prevailing operations, various discrepancies were encountered among them being the transparency from the different personnel involved. The fact that communication is at times hectic, analysing the available situations makes it easier for the puzzle out of the available issues on the time they are encountered. The total interpretation of the issue makes it easier for the discussion to be held. The outline of an issue helps in coming up with the most crucial factors to be considered in the discussion thus making the communication much more coherent.On the comparison of the done analysis on the different undertakings, proper analysis brings in more information to the individuals thus enhancing the under stability of the issues being talked about. Analysing any issue makes it easier to have the di scussion much lively as the involved

Monday, April 22, 2019

Cases and Materials on the Law of Restitution Assignment

Cases and Materials on the impartiality of Restitution - Assignment ExampleIn normal parlance, English did not cognize a fair play of restitution pay on the cannons of reversing unjust enrichment. It is to be noted, the passing comment make by the nifty judges like Lord Wright in Fibrosa and Lord Mansfield in Moses v Macferlan was mostly uncared for the restitution trough 1966. (Gilliker 2007101). Goff and Jones in 1966 published the Law of Restitution which assaulted the customary English approach and tried to show that, flavor across both equity and common lawfulness, there is a coherent English law of restitution, which is foot on the cannon of putting back unjust enrichment. The above authors viewed the law of restitution as be alongside tort and contract as a third branch of the law of obligations. Slowly, Goff and Joness findings gained impulse in legal practitioners, academia and judges, thereby ending in the acknowledgment by House of Lords the law of restitution in Lipkin Gorman v Karpnale Ltd in 1991, which can be considered as Donoghue v Stevenson1 of the law of Restitution. In Woolwich Equitable Building Society v IRC, the cannon of unjust enrichment was relied upon by the Lordships to deliver a brush decision that in fountain of payment demanded by a public authority ultra vis, a claimant is entitled as of right to restitution against the same. Thereafter, unambiguous reference to unjust enrichment as the source of the claims made by judges at all categories in various cases in the UK. (Burrows, Mthe Kendrick & Edelman 20071). English courts have slackly been reluctant to acknowledge restitution as a separate norm of recovery due to the availability of the substitute legal remedies under common law like recovery such recoveries and quantum valebat and the doctrine of expiration that is available inequitable and tort claims. Nonetheless, the law of restitution is often confused through the English courts entailment of equity and contr act founded reliefs vindicated under the head of restitution. It is to be noted that the inherent issues with the restitution footed claims are the doctrinal complexity of measuring the notion of unjust enrichment. In the case Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC, the underlying aim of restitution has frequently been puzzled with equitable trust law notions, thereby increasing the perplexity in this domain of law as corroborated by the main issue in the above case being swap litigation. (Burrows et al 200740). The English courts have given for the claims under restitution a synthetic substance quasi-contract hypothesis, which is damned for being intrinsically hollow, mirroring a vague concept. The core issue in applying the quasi-contract principle is that in restitution claims, the defendants were being demanded to make payment on the footage of wrongdoing without any backing doctrinal rationale for making such damage payment to the claimant under logical legal standards.

Why do governments in less developed countries have difficulty in Essay

Why do governments in less veritable countries have difficulty in restraining cash supply growth in social club to control puffiness - Essay ExampleAs explained, if in this particular situation, a countrys central bank opts for reduction in money supply in order to get disengage of the rising prices present in the economy, it will lower the gross domestic product even more than and only strengthen the stagnation present in the economy even more.This situation, if continued as a long term policy, will lead to demand pull inflation in the long give. This is because on one hand the national output will be at a low level and on the other, due to a high population growth ate in these less developed economies, soon the aggregate demand will rise to a staggering level which, if tamed done a further reduction of money supply, will lead to a stagnation inflation spiral. (Chandavarkar, 1996, 9)another(prenominal) problem courting these less developed economies is high rate of unemploym ent. Now a reduction in money supply, as explained above will discourage investment and thereby lower the level of output.As usual a lower level of output is also associated with a low level of employment. So this policy in course of time will make substantial addition to the pull of laid-off laborers of the less developed economy.The less developed economies have to bear with a certain level of inflation in order to experience growth and thereby ensure employment. Therefore, if a reduction in money supply is taken by the central bank as a policy to tame inflation in such economies it will only lead to long run aggravation of other sparing maladies. (Lipsey and Harbury, 1992, 252)Furthermore, the less developed economies are typically characterized with black marketers who manage to bluff the government and thereby run a parallel economy. In such an economy, often inflation is caused by unethical storage of goods with a view to inflate the price artificially and hence reap the pro fit.In such cases

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 27

Essay ExampleHe had to come out a achiever in this losing streak. Even if it meant that he would have to take his life. He killed himself. His insurance money will fabricate his debt and leave some for his wife. The anger and animosity between him and his watchword, Biff, will cease. As for his job, he will be redeemed and his value to the company will be seen when his clients and co-workers, by the hundreds, will attend his funeral. For Willy, he has at last won. For him, after his death, the tomorrow will be different for him, his fame will reach greater heights for at his funeral hundreds will come to pay their respects and, for those he will be leaving behind a more secure future with the money that the insurance company will pay his family.Miller famously drove his point to the audience that there is no American Dream. Willys desire for fame and fortune is seen in the people he epitomizes, Dave Singleman who died a salesman and how hundreds of people came to his funeral (p 81) and, Ben his brother who went into the jungle at 17 years oerage and came out very rich at the age of 21 (p.52). He wanted desperately to be like them. He always wanted to keep on hearing the stories of these people told over and over and over again (p.49).Miller attacked Willys dream in several ways. First, was at work when the son of the owner of the company refused to acknowledge Willys importance to the company. He even changed Willys work status from a salaried man to a per commission basis one (p.57). Gone was Willys fame. Willys reaction was one of denial. He instead focused his mind to remembering the past and telling himself that he will eventually be recognized for his 30year service to the company (p.14). Miller used symbolism to image that Willy despite his denial knew the futility of continuing to work. This symbolism is of the car that keeps going off onto the shoulder of the road. Willy tried

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Social Factors in Language Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Factors in Language Learning - undertake ExampleThis paper declares that nowadays the English language undergoes several magnetic declinations due to different factors. Among them people arsehole distinguish regional, social, personal and even gender variations. The most widespread and obvious one is regional variation of the English language.This discussion explores that thanks to the popularity of American media and British culture the speakers of both models adopt certain diction and pronunciation from each other. This process is commonly called accommodation. Apart from two main models of English regional renewal of this language includes several dialectal variations. There are regional dialects of English both, in the USA and keen Britain. Dialects vary mostly in vocabulary and these differences are quite large and numerous. Unfortunately, this contrast between speakers sometimes leads to conflicts and bulling because one dialect is considered to be more privileged than the other. However, people should abandon this prejudice and treat everyone equally. Depending on peoples social identities, they use different types of language. There are many factors which predetermine the practice of certain constructions, words and intonation. They include the level of education, sex, occupying job and age. In some countries with English speaking people social variation of the language does not play a huge role.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Administration experience and training experience Essay

Administration begin and instruction experience - Essay ExampleThe National Institute for Training is known for conducting seminars and workshop for twain public and private physical compositions in the Middle East. In fact, NIT has al shipway been tapped by the government to give training workshops for public servants because of its excellent programs. NIT is a leader in providing management related training workshops whether for public administrators or private coachs. In fact, NIT has been recognized by the United Nations as premier trainor for public administration. Change and creativity Workshop - I took this training because I know how main(prenominal) it is to introduce change in an organization to better amend its services. Usually, managers are stuck with the same routines and procedures after being used to their daily responsibilities. It seems that there is no other better way to do some things which is why some problems do not thwart solved at all. What I envisio ned from the NIT workshops was an opportunity to gain stronger understanding of thedifferent ways to improve management skills by making effective decisions while using creativity. I took the training experience for this item workshop because I am seeking for red-hot approaches to initiating procedures, policies and system. It is in my fervent hope that my management skills would change state better after thus workshop. Meetings and Time Management I took the meetings and time management training because I pauperization to enhance my time management skills. Previously, I was burdened my many unimportant tasks because I tried to attend to everything as much as possible. Even insignifi sternt phone calls were answered which preoccupied my time. Likewise, I conducted bulky meetings that can be already considered unproductive. For this reason, I knew I had to attend the training so I can increase my productivity as a manager by focusing on more important things. I saw myself becom ing very effective in time management after attend the training. Problem Solving and Decision Making One of the major functions of managers is to solve problems that can hamper useable efficiency. Part of solving problems is effective decision making that can make a great restore on business processes. I took this training experience because there are many challenges confronting a manager today. Before the start of the training, I was looking forward to new principles about problem solving and decision-making. Also, I knew that there are new approaches to solving problems using different tools or mind maps that can be introduced in the seminar. Usually, managers bid myself have been too traditional in approaching problem solving. This time, I precious something out of the box that can aid me in coming up with more creative ways to solve problems. I also want to come up with decisions that have win-win solutions for all parties involved. Briefly, I want to change and this trainin g experience can help me acquire new skills and knowledge to become an federal agent of change. Q2. A full description what you learned from this training experience, including underlying principles, concepts, and competencies. During the training, some of the principles and concepts were not actually new to me anymore. Nevertheless, I still learned many things from this training experience. Change and Creativity Workshop- It is very important for managers like myself to become more resourceful and innovative because of the various challenges posed by the highly-competitive business environment. Likewise, the changing forces of globalisation place an extra challenge for organizations to cope with hence, managers like myself should move forward along with trends. The first module which was Change and Creativity Workshop aimed at making managers agents of change. Usually, people are

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Presidential Election 2012 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Presidential Election 2012 - full term Paper ExampleAt the moment, the canvass are very close. In the end, in November 2012, deal Romney testament be elected president, and Barack Obama will have an early retirement. Barack Obama is a good man, but voters will solve he is over his head. Voter decision-making processes President Obama took office in 2008, promising to bring hope and throw to Washington. Voters were tired and exhausted after eight years under George W. Bush. The Republicans had trouble drumming up support. Obama was comparable a breath of fresh air. But immediately, his presidency faced major challenges. He had to decide how to jalopy with the fallout from the financial crisis which was still unraveling. He had to deal with Iraq and the auto industry. These were major challenges. Although President Obama has tried terrible on the miserliness, the results, nearly four years later are not good. Unemployment is still very high. many a(prenominal) political pund its believe that the elections will largely come down to who is a better economic manager. Mitt Romney has many useful credentials as a tuneman. Voters, when making a decision, are going to notion to Romneys strong economic credentials and Obamas weak ones. That is part of the reason they are promising to choose Romney when push comes to shove. They are tired of the way Washington has become. Voters still dont sock who to vote for, the evidence suggests. A recent poll reported in the Washington Post showed that the die hard was still too close to call. The story concluded as follows Given recent trends, Obama can burden to a gradually improving outlook and Romney can cite his experience as a business leader and appeal to those concerned well-nigh their own financial plight. Obama still enjoys a big gender-gap advantage. And the polls show both Romney and Obama are strongly supported by their respective partisans. In most polls, Romney fares wellhead among independents, althou gh not decisively so. Of course, a lot more than ups and downs lie ahead. (AP) Most critics agree that the better the economy does in the next few months, the better Obamas chances will be with ordinary voters concerned about pocketbook issues (Dorning). This is something Obamas people must be very concerned about. Campaign spending two Romney and Obama are excellent fundraisers. In 2008, Obama utilize innovative techniques to bring in small donations. He used the Internet. Now he has a new advantage incumbency. It will be hard for Romney to match him, as these recent figures show Obama reported a bank balance of $104.1 one thousand million after raising $35.1 million in frame in. That included $7.5 million transferred from a joint fundraising account with the Democratic National Committee. Romney finished March with $10.1 million to spend after raising $13.1 million during the month, his best in the campaign. Through March 31, Obama raise $196.6 million for his re- election , more than twice as much as the cumulative $88.7 million collected by Romneys campaign. One thing is for sure. This will be the most expensive campaign in American history. Both campaigns will raise hundreds of millions of dollars. With the Supreme Courts recent decision in Citizens join will also allow outside parties to spend money, in an unaffiliated manner. This probably means more negative ads and untraceable smears. In the end, voters will probably say that they have had enough of Obama. He was minded(p) an opportunity to fix the economy but he has been unable to work well with Congress to spin major economic reforms. All he has done is to create more barriers

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

International Public Relations application excercise Essay

International Public Relations application excercise - Essay guinea pigI decided to obtain an MSc in earthly concern transaction because this educational arena leave assist me in developing my PR skills that provide be required when I will be serving as a public relations officer for a particular organization. This course will not only provide me with theoretical knowledge related to the field of public relations, it will withal assist me in applying this theoretical knowledge in the practical settings. MSc in public relations will assist me by teaching me how to use relations with media to conduct effective and efficient PR campaigns and will develop my consultancy skills through different coursework and assignments.2. Currently the female gender is leading the industry of public relations out of the 100% of the workforce of the public relations industry, 85% are females as say by the Public Relations alliance of America. In accordance to the statistics of Orange County, wom en are the owners of well constituted PR agencies and they are mainly leading in niches such as boutique. The academic literature falls short of explaining the reason wherefore the PR industry is led by the female gender and why the female gender is the most preferred industry by women. Certain practitioners of the industry believe that women encounter the characteristics and skills required to make it into the PR industry.Women do not only lead the professional side of the industry, they redden lead the educational side of the industry. In the US, over 60% of the individuals who enroll in different kinds of PR educational programs are females. According to a PR professor of the Cal State Fullerton and a member of the society of American Public Relations is of the idea that women have the required skill set that are highly desirable in the PR industry. He stated that females are better public relation representatives as during their educational life they perform better in liste ning, observing and communication. These

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dramatic impact Essay Example for Free

Dramatic impact try outIn 1915, Arthur T. Miller was born in the city of New York, where his family business was ruined after the seam market crash of 29. This had a continuous affect on his intent and work. The half-Austrian, half-Ameri endure playwright wrote Death of a Salesman in 1949, at the age of 34. Along with his other acclaimed plays (including alone My Sons and The Crucible) Death of a Salesman includes his common themes of corruption, societys deterioration, the enormous American Dream and lost values. Set in the Mid-20th century after the Second World contend Death of a Salesman is a tale of values lost to a world where they now adopt little weight and of a man, in himself, lost to those values and in so doing isolating himself to the dynamical world. Ren beared as one of the best plays to ever come out of America. A particularly dramatic and earthshaking video in this attack against capitalism is the eatery jibe, in which a father-son bond is torn in tr agedy, brotherly love is dissipated and life grinds to a halt for an old, tired man.The scene in general is a very momentous part of the play as it acts as the closing blow up for Willy Loman to take his own life. We know this as, in the scene that directly follows this, Willy is quoted saying (To Stanley) Heres some more(prenominal), I dont take aim it anymore This shows us that he has (after this event) well and truly given up on this life, by stating that he will no long-lived be timbre ated to use his money for he will go along and in doing so provide his family with some insurance support, making this scene very significant indeed. The final trigger that I mentioned could be a number of events.Firstly, some critics believe, the fact that Biff has realised the faithfulness I was sound a shipping clerk, which Willy has shut out for count little years deep inside, is the foreboding(a) factor of Willys suicide that he himself, through Biff, finally sees what his life has lived up to nothing. We can see designate of this in the garden scene where he tries to leave something, just small, bed as his legacy Ive got to larn some seeds, right away. Nothings planted. I dont imbibe a thing in the ground. He has an urgent need to leave something behind and the seeds are a metaphorical representation of this.Some critics feel that this scene is significant as it builds up to the next scene where Willy has a flashback of Biffs discovery of The Woman, revealing to the earshot for the first clock time the event that sparks the turmoil that Biff suffers for the next fifteen years of his life The knowledge of his fathers infidelity shatters this exalted that he has held for so long. This would patch up the missing link and explain to the audience how Biff went from the harming son we saw in the earlier flashbacks to the almost hateful adult we see in the present.Others however believe that it is what has happened before this scene that makes it so significant. Due to the tension build up up-until then was acclivity by Willys encounters with Howard, Bernard and Charley beforehand constituting harsh blows to the fantasy through which Willy views his life his constructed reality was falling apart. The audience, after comprehend Biffs own disappointment through his conversation with Happy, are curious to see how Willy will react to thus far another letdown. And after seeing how badly he does take it, we know this is the final straw/chapter in his life.Biff has also experienced a moment of integrity, but he regards his epiphany as a spillage experience from a lifetime of distorting lies. He wishes to leave behind the facade of the Loman family tradition so that he and his father can begin to hasten an honest relationship. Willy, on the other hand, insufficiencys his sons to help him in build the elaborate fantasies that have been crushed so many times before. Willy drives Biff to say a incorrectly positive report of his in terview with Bill Oliver Happy is all too willing to comply.When Biff fails to produce the expected report, Happy, comes in with lies about the interview. Another point of significance is the event of Biffs Epiphany. Here he realises the virtue for the first time I was never a salesman for Bill Oliver and in doing so he shows Willy the truth as well. He actually HAS the epiphany at Olivers office but here is the first time we, as the audience, heard or know of it. Many say that Biff is the main reason why Willy takes his life as Miller states himself Had Willy been unaware of his separation from values that endure he would have died contently while shining his car But he was agonized by his awareness of being in a mistaken position, so constantly haunted by the hollowness of everything he put his faith in And so if Biff had not confirmed what Willy had always known all along then maybe Willy tycoon either remedy be alive or dies happily. merely this point is very controversia l. Biff is determined to break through the lies surrounding the Loman family in order to come to terms with his own life and his own identity, which his father made for him years a go.Intent on revealing the simple truth behind Willys fantasy Biffs identity crisis can only be resolved by destroying his and his fathers disillusionment, which has a devastating core group on Willy leading to his suicide. However, taking into account of all the above, I personally believe this act is significant to the play as it provides great sympathy for all of the main characters. Biff, by his stage directions, is made to look sympathetic (takes a breath, then r distributivelyes out and grasps Willys hand). (Smiling bravely)(Gets down on one knee before Willy) and so on. Even by the stage directions, the audience is shown the character of Biff as a sincere and caring person with an undying love for his father. Willy is shown sympathy through the mere bombardment of misfortunes that he faces I wa s fired, and Im flavor for a little good news to tell your mother . Willy will be onstage in utter confusion and desperation in this scene, (at a loss), and empathy would be felt by the audience callable to the music and lighting which places the audience into Willys frame of mind.Happy is given sympathy by the fact that the audience can see that Biff has snapped out of The Great American Pipedream and Happy has not, and in doing so ensures his incoming life will be just like Willys and that is definitely an aspect for sympathy. Linda also is shown sympathy in this extract as Willy mentions her because the woman has waited and the woman has suffered . Another factor of the acts significance is that it is riddled with dramatic impact, through lighting, music and action.Music provides a good medium for emotions and also works were as a harbinger of events-to-come. Music such as the Raucous music used in the setting of the restaurant can show what the event will unfold to be. Als o the flute music indicates a more reposeful and nostalgic appeal as the flute was Willys fathers trade. Lighting is a huge dramatic effect as it is the only way, unless the theatre is packed with playwrights, that the audience can understand what is happening especially during flashbacks. (Light on theater snaps out).The use of lighting also allows the audience to empathise with Willy by seeing what he does (light fades low on the restaurant). Also it can be used to set a scene as in the restaurant a red glow rises behind screen at right, here Miller employs the colour shunning to complement the music, which in turn foretell the upcoming event. There are many dramatic moments in this scene. One of which is the event of the trump card note Biff Listen, will you let me out of it, will you just let me out of it Happy What the hell Willy Tell me what happened Biff (to Happy) I cant talk to him (A individual(a) trumpet note jars in the air) Before this, tension was building up slowly (speeches becoming shorter and shorter), with Biffs licking to tell his father of his revelation and Willys determination to hear what he wants to. It builds at an exponential rate until the trumpet note. This is used here to empathise to the audience of the final breakdown between father and son. It is also a symbol of the heightened tension and emotions running.The audience is shocked and taken back by this, not suddenly, but still effectively. Sympathy is also felt at this point as these dickens once worshipped each other and now they are at this time of hatred. We can also, as the audience, know that Biff want to let him out of it (Willys dreams). Another dramatic moment was when Willy tells his boys I was fired today. This is not a move to the audience, as we knew it would come however when it came comes as a shock. It is abrupt and early on into the scene. Beforehand he was talking in tongue and the audience sees that he is confused.However this speech is a rare spo t of metaphorical language used in the play as Miller tries to use as a great deal everyday language as possible to keep a more naturalistic appeal and less focus on how characters are saying things but on what they are actually conveying through speech. He speaks of the woods are burning, which shows the desperation Willy is in and the fact that he is seeing everything crowding near him, his dreams are burning, his dream of a country retirement, his beloved nature (woods) is being consumed by materialism (fire) and so is he.Also this metaphor re-enforces itself with burning big blaze fired. This adds troubled depth to his life. The flashbacks that Willy has are very dramatic. Re-enforced utilize lighting and music as well they seem to patch up key points about the sometime(prenominal) that are missing. The whole play is about patching up the middle of a story that we already know the ending of Death of a Salesman. I use flashback in a loose sense, as they are not actually flas hbacks. They, on stage, would be just as loud as reality, have the same lighting, are not distorted and so on.Also the fact that they are so similar to reality shows us that in Willys desperation to justify his own life, he has destroyed the boundaries from past to present. All of the flashbacks are juxtaposed with scenes of failure. The final dramatic scene in this extract is Happys line of No, thats not my father. This is fabulously low and spiteful the audience would not expect this even of Happy, who we know is already quite two faced in the way he acts towards Willy. Extremely tragic. This is right before Biffs elegy of Willy in which he refers to him as a Prince. However Happy cant even acknowledge him as a father.In Happys defence Willy ahs not really been the ideal father, but he still had Haps best interests at heart. However the audience can see that the character of Biff as a changed man no longer bound into the capitalistic system that engulfed Willy, no longer deludin g himself or others, no longer a LOW-MAN. In this extract, references are made to many different other stories. In Biffs speech Miller refers to A roiled Prince as in Macbeth. In the scene afterwards where Biff is knocking on Willys door, also have similarities to Macbeth. Willys flashback to avoid the truth is reminiscent of Oedipus poking out his eyes.And finally Happys dismissal of Willy is like that of Peter and Jesus. This makes the scene significant as it contains all of these epic references. Death of a Salesman is a tragic tale of a man caught in a system he never got to know. During this restaurant scene, Willy decides he is worth more dead than alive because all he had left was his sons and after their failures and the breakdown of their relationship he is nothing. This scene in the restaurant is the most important of the entire play for this reason. It is also very dramatic as it reveals the death of a man, by the failures of him as a father, a salesman and of a man.

Life Cycle Assessment Essay Example for Free

Life Cycle Assessment EssayThis Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) aims to estimate the environmental impact of the production of compact discsticks. All the different materials and processes required to manufacture postdles need to be interpreted into hearation to determine the impacts on the environment. The most common material used to manufacture set updles is paraffin wax. apiece groundworkdle comes in some type of individual package most of the time. Candle wicks are flummox development various natural fibers, such as reeds, rushes, or cotton. An important refinement in wick technology introduced the plaited wick, which burned much than unplaited wicks. Currently, twisted or plaited cotton makes up most of the wicks. The quarterdlestick is do of steel, or could also be made of admixture. The functional unit leave behind be a 125ml candle able to generate up to 25 hours of light. Each steel-made candlestick can only h gray unitary candle, and can be used several times.InputsParaffin wax Cotton Metal Materials for packaging Outputs fellate expellings when candles burn, paraffin wax emits greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide. Depletion of natural resources paraffin wax is derived from boisterous oil. Paraffin candles are petroleum products, a non renewable resource. It could increase pollution due to oil spills and the processes mandatory to extract petroleum. At the same time, the extraction of metal needed for the candlestick causes oversize volumes of solid waste, requires large amounts of energy, and produces air, soil, and water pollution. Chemicals toxicity some candles might have lead or zinc in their wick, which red harmful gasses when they burn. Also, scented candles can release toxins from the chemicals used to give them scent.Question 2 of 3 (10 points) bodily Environmental Management ToolsEcolabelling Swan eco-label was developed for candles by the Nordic ecolabelling. The main purpose is to abridge the emission and effec t of substances harmful to users health and the reduction of gases that have and impact on climate change. According to this scheme, 19 out of 28 are environmental requirements, such as description of the candle, description of chemical additives, among others. creation for the Environment Enabling consumers to quickly identify products that are safer and that can help protect the environment pull up stakes make them choose a certain product more frequently. If manufacturers start focusing on producing candles that are made from the safest possible ingredients, consumers, producers, and the environment will benefit.Sustainability reports Keeping track of environmental performance and the capacity of a company to use and maintain resources in a way that prevents depletion, will improve economic, and social performance. If candles can be produced in a more sustainable way, that is, using substitutes sources that are renewable and less harmful, the nett product will be more undefea ted in all the areas. Therefore, reporting this information will allow constant improvement of all the processes. Integrated supply chain management It is important to drive in which stages in a supply chain are the ones that are being less efficient, and negatively touch on the production of a good, in this case, candlesticks. Determining these processes can enable their improvement to have a more environmentally friendly supply chain.Carbon footprint As we need metals for producing a candlestick, we depend on large amounts of energy and, if the energy is generated using fossil fuels, it has a large carbon footprint. Measuring carbon footprint allows the whole manufacturing process to be analyzed, realizing which stages have a stronger impact and how can they be improved. spick production improvement of the machinery used in each stage of production can decrease the environmental impact of producing candles, as it will decrease waste created after different processes. It can als o make the processes more efficient, benefiting the company. Development of technology has made these improvements possible. Stakeholder analysis every single company must consider all the interested parts in a product as they are the ones that decide how successful and efficient a good will is. If the manufacturing of candlesticks is for example affecting the surroundings of a plant, people, that are consumers too, can generate social impacts that will worsen the companys performance and image.Question 3 of 3 (4 points)Challenges and limitationsCandles can be made of different types of wax that have different impacts on the environment. Some of the piercing materials that could be used to produce a candle can be less harmful than others. The candleholder carriage span could vary depending on the quality of the metal that is being used. Therefore, changing the life span of the candlestick. modulation from a Cradle to Grave to a Cradle to CradleSteel has high scrap metal recycling value. Old metal material can be reused to make new products. Recycling old metal products uses 95% less energy than manufacturing it using new materials. Metal recycling processes require using a lot of energy. If we recycle metal products we only have to use a low role of this total energy, decreasing the use of our natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.To minimize wasteful wrap up of candles, the material used for packaging can reduce the environmental impact by choosing more recyclable materials. Aluminum, for instance, could be used as a base for the candles, or even to manufacture a candleholder, considering it can be easily recycled. Glass, can be recycled too, reused, and even upcycled into new materials or products. Avoiding candles with extra plastic packaging can also decrease the negative impacts on the environment. In addition to packaging decisions, considering the materials used for manufacturing of candles can benefit the producers, consumers and the environment. For example, soy and beeswax candle emit fewer harmful chemicals when burned. Another way to reduce pollution is to buy from local candlemakers. This reduces wasteful packaging, and there is no need to transport raw materials to a farther manufacturing plant, and to consumers at longer geographical distances. Thus, reducing fuel usage and supporting local businesses as well.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Early Childhood Development Management Essay Example for Free

earlier Childhood Development Management canvasEarly Childhood Development (ECD) is a holistic, integrated, inclusive approach to Programming, research and policy for young children up to 6 years of age and requires a healthy, safe and nurturing environs that includes opportunities to support the emotional, social, physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspects of children within the mise en scene of their community. It welcomes their participation and empowers them as a basis for their future. (National frugal Development and law Center). directlys early childhood educators face commission and strategic challenges in an increasingly turbulent environment rapid growth demands increased managerial proficiency. In order to meet these critical challenges, agency leadership must develop entrepreneurial competencies and a firm understanding of core management theories and principles. At times, sluice the most successful organizations need to redefine profession goals and create innovative strategies to excel at a new level. This paper give address the key issues of monetary management in an ECD center.Financial management of a school entails School financial analysis and reports, finance policy and procedures, finance resources, school funding, steep Yield Investment Accounts, worksheets, taxation and schools education and training funding. (Grossman and Keyes, 231). Finance resources and school funding From National Economic Development and Law Center For the market feasibleness analysis for income generation, the financial administrator need to mensurate what works most effectively for a particular ara and the families being targeted.An advertising budget is freeze with determination on how to get the most out. A strong market feasibility analysis for a facility development project would prove that in that fix are enough resources. According to (name of first ECD center) there is market demand for child complaint at rates sufficient to generate revenues to cover not only operating outgos, but also debt service on any loans incurred to develop the facility.Financial feasibility analysis assesses key areas concern with the day care mainly the number of other child care programs (both center and family based) that already exist in the community The number of child care spaces already provided in the area The vacancy rate of other programs in the area The average cost of care got by contacting and visiting existing providers to find out about their vacancy rates and the kinds of go they offer The length of current waiting lists that other market-area child care programs currently have (For existing programs) the length of the line of descent waiting list Age groups that are being served (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age, or a Combination) or that are not being served by other programs Locations of existing child care business linees in your vicinity The services your proposed business or expansion can provide that other child care providers are not offering, and Types of services offered by existing child care businesses. (Name of the second center) School financial analysis and reports The administrator describes how the cash in hand being requested will be used. These expenditures should also demonstrate that the center is a good investment, and it shows that the business is financially sound and well managed. The financial analysis section contains four componentsFirstly the Summary of financial needs that briefly describes why funding is needed, the type of funding required, total amount needed, and how the funds will be used. Secondly is the A well-prepared development budget showing that the costs involved have been cautiously considered including both the line item costs and the known or anticipated sources of funding. Thirdly is financial projections which are financial averments used to predict the future profitability of a business. Projections should be based on existent re search and reasonable assumptions. They include cash flow projections income (incoming money from parent fees, vouchers, state subsidies, etc.), and expense projections (health care, tuition or anticipated). Lastly, It is necessary to include financial statements that reflect the businesses past financial activities, a statement of financial position, and a cash flow statement. Previous financial statements or projected statements. (Brealey et al, 1996) Conclusion From Children research, ECD centers ought to be warm nurturing learning environment with trained caring staff, nutritious meals, in a central location of a community having a large safe outdoor play area. These are key areas that a financial administrator should ensure maximum financial support is given as the backbone to the center. (Early Childhood Educational Issues). ReferencesGrossman B, Keyes C Early Childhood Administration, Michigan Allyn and Bacon National Economic Development and Law Center (2003) Child Care Cent er Financial Planning and Facilities Development Manual twenty-second April 2008 http//www. buildingchildcare. org/ cardinal%20Manual%20FINAL. pdf Brealey, Richard A. and Myers, Stewart C, Principles of Corporate Finance, New York McGraw-Hill, (1996). Early Childhood Educational Issues. National Association for the Education of the Young Children. 22nd April 2008 http//www. naeyc. org/ece/. (Name of first ECD center). Personal interview. 22nd April 2008. (Name of the second center). Personal interview. 22nd April 2008.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Explanation on the Evolution of the Federal Indian Policy from Washington through Jacksonâۉ„¢s Administration Essay Example for Free

rendering on the Evolution of the Federal Indian Policy from Washington through Jacksons arrangement EssayPresident Lincoln in his Gettysburg address told the nation that the state promotes a government of the raft for the concourse and by the peck. In Jacksons time he stressed out what doubting Thomas Jefferson believes that independent society is making dependent people independent (studyworld 1998). Both have spoken of people and a nation. Being once the heads of this super powerful nation, the yoke of responsibility on governing whose people and what nation is on their shoulders. It is a matter of whose forget are being protected when what is put in question are the rights and obligations between the natives and the whites. For the rich and influential will reign rule? During the Jackson garbage disposal it wasnt so. Authority at that time must eliminate all the risk to carry on a business plan. We can never measure the enormous weights between love for ones rural a rea and the curse of greed only when autobiography repeats itself and is always a witness to the fall and rise of many cities and countrys. The agone Jackson administration has its goals or measure to take. However, democracy is meant to give each one jibe to its due.As for now, America is a dream of many race, a mixture of culture and hopefully will always be the land of plenty and opportunities. It is so because it was the fruit of its enormous labor, tears and pain and unplayful leadership of some honorable statesmen but more so of its people. Much to be said but humanity stands where humans are treated reverently. Many great leaders had fathomed this thought. Many so called exhaustively leaders have thrown out the weakest from the sinking ship in order to save a chosen few or the meanest.Jackson at first diplomatically covered the Cherokees land until pushing them to Mississippi as narrated in the book the Trails of Tears. He injected in these so called savages that they can not on the nose be hunters but also agriculturists ( primeval Indians are inborn hunters and naturally obedient but strong people in body and character). They asked the native inhabitants to transfer from one state to plant cottons but in candor the Native Americans do not dig to cultivate because during their times food is in abundance.On the other(a) hand, that present administration intends to dig for gold and by all means will strive knotty to become a super power that is known today. Despite the ruling of the Supreme Court on sovereignty, the Indians left their ancestral lands led by Chief Ross who at that time can only do the least he can do best when only destiny could dictate the future. Civilizations like industrial enterprise or advancement are always paid for at a great price. Georgias effort to dislodge the Cherokees is more about oppressing than helping its inhabitants.It was merely a struggle of the fittest where the strongest always envelopes the weakest. Ref ormers of the past could have set their goals on advancement without due respect to Indians tribal customs and traditions. The present Indian law and nonetheless about five tribes is complex as we view the state government with the history of federal Indian policy. Though they are just minority compared to the whole U. S. population, they maintain their sovereignty and are subject to their individual tribal government while also being subjected to the federal state government.Reformers or oppressors whatever the name could be, when a trail is lost it is impossible to go back where one belongs. Native cultures are loss because the new school taught that their parents and grand parents learning are inferior to what is new (Montana 1993). later on a century, efforts on behalf of the present government to regain the loss culture among the Native Americans is being acted upon, laws concerning sovereignty (House 2007) is upheld but only to few remaining 1. 7 Million Indians since most of them had already faded onward together with their homelands.Referencehttp//www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pubs/indiangb.pdf

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Absence Of Populism In Colombia Essay Example for Free

Absence Of Populism In Colombia EssayThe term populism refers to a semi g all overnmental dodging where the draws appeal directly to the people and seek the throw of sociable sectors that are non fittedly readed in the political arrangements that exist. In a populist formation, the leaders tend to enjoy the support of the mass as a result of mass mobilization. In many Latin American nations much(prenominal) as Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Panama, Peru and Mexico, one or more plaques have adopted populist policies (Dornbusch and Edwards, pg. 7). However, populism has failight-emitting diode to emerge in Colombia gentility the question of why populism is not part of the Colombian society.Although populism in Colombian was promoted by the political leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan who was assassinated in 1948, populism failed to emerge after his demise. Gaitan assassinated ended populist leadership in capital of South Carolina . Up to date, Colombia has managed to a dopt a non-populist political system. Although the latest Colombian president Alvaro Uribe leadership is aimed to have some(prenominal) elements common with many populists, he is not a populist. The issue of absence of populism in Colombia in a continent missd by populism and the reasons behind the absence involve to be examined. electric chair Alvaro Uribe non-populist leadership has been attributed to his lose of interest in mobilizing lot and activating supporters. These occurrenceors are important elements in populism. This paper will look the reasons behind absence of populism in Colombia by tracing historical events in the terra firma. The paper will first-year present a belief history of Colombia and important events during the leadership of Jorge Gaitan. His emergence as a political leader and the peoples reaction to his emergence will be explored as well as the reasons behind leave out of populism emergence after his death .Finally, the paper will evaluate Pres ident Uribe non-populist policies and why/how he has secure great efforts to make Colombia prosper in absence of populism and left tendencies. Discussion A Brief overview of populism Populism embraces political facsimile that challenges the democratic political society where a highly polarized concept of society exists. Populist regimes the likes of the ones that have been witnessed in Latin American emphasize on the complaisant divide mingled with the inside(a) who have benefited from the existing political practices and the belowprivileged who account for the excluded majority (Coniff, pg. 22).Populist leaders claim to represent this underprivileged concourse that comprises of the poor and promise social justice. As a result, the leaders tend to renounce any political intermediation that aim at limiting and checking their political power. Some political analysts consider populism to be nationalistic, authoritarian and depend on social mobilization for support. Many populis t regimes often ruin traditional parties. The populist manifestation indicates that the traditional commercialize reforms in a populist regime are unable to sustain frugal growth, reduce poverty, generate employment opportunities and reduce inequality.Although populist leaders use democratic means to assume into political power, they are confused in undermining democratic institutions once they secure into office. History of Colombia and events at the time of populist Jorge Eliecier Gaitan The collapse of the Gran Colombia 1830 led to the emergence of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Colombia became a country in 1886. Two major political parties, the Liberal and Conservative parties emerged in Colombia receivable to the differences between the follo clearg of two leaders Paula Santander and Simon Bolivar These two parties dominated the Colombian regime for a long time.Gaitan became achieved national prestigiousness done his efforts of addressing the issues of concern of the peasants. For in bearing, he was involved in a Congressional investigation of workers revolt and strike in 1929 in Santa Marta and also wrote on the excesses of management and repressive intervention of the soldiers in Colombia. This make Gaitan win great popular prestige and become a hero among the peasants. He joined the left wing of the Liberal party after 1930s and managed to win Congressional elections in March 1947.He go along to strengthen his position and increase his popularity by trying to reach the plurality and giving them hope The Colombian society comprised of the privileged who held political offices and the poor who considered Gaitan to contest for their rights. Peasant populism and hobnailed protests were witnessed since the 1930s. Gaitan became a charismatic leader of the Liberal party (Sharpless, pg,36). His popularity and claims to fight for the welfare of the masses attracted hundreds of thousands of low income Colombians and total members in his poli tical meetings.He was admired for denouncing moral, social and scotch events that oppressed the masses which he promised to abolish with cooperation and support from the people . His claim to champion the cause of the masses increased populism. The people, most of whom were peasants and low income earners were attracted by Gaitans leadership. For instance, the issue of land reforms which he seemed to address was of great concern to the people. For example, by mobilizing the masses to protest through with(predicate) the streets of Bogota in February 1948, Gaitan gained the support of the masses .He was assassinated two months later, an event that triggered the La violencia. This was characterized by foeman between the Conservative and Liberal parties supporters and hostilities between classes. The Colombian society experienced violence and dissymmetry. Non-populism in Colombia after Gaitans death .The absence of populist regimes in Colombia in the 1930s and 1940s as well as the political instability that was witnessed in Colombia (Dix, pg. 342). After Gaitans assassination made it unacceptable for the political leaders to depute into place populist regime in Colombia.Uncontrolled human confrontation in Bogota spread to the country side where bands were organized to create terror. La Violencia is estimated to have led to the deaths of more than 200,000 people over duration of eighteen years, the 1948 1958 tips was bloodiest . One of the most powerful guerilla group in Colombia, and known as the basal Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was the product of this conflict. The period after Gaitans death was marked by lack of hope in the masses and the political society. Armed confrontation was characterized by rebellions and riots between 1948 and 1966(Hylton, pg.40). Because populism requires leaders to mobilize the masses, violence drove Colombia into a politically unstable nation. The political instability that was experienced in the country made it impossi ble for the political leaders to secure leadership through populism. there was mass social frustration due to the killings and displacement of a large number of people. Those who had believed that Jorge Gaitan was the neertheless hope for alter the lives of the masses were disappointed. In Bogota and the Mariano Ospinas government struggled to restore raise in Colombia.However, the unpolished violence that was witnessed triggered a state of undeclared civil war and violence spread throughout the country. Only the southernmost parts of Marino and Caribbean coastal area were spared. The violence phenomenon became complex and was characterized by sheer rural banditry as well as partisan political rivalry (Roldan, pg. 93). The political rivalry undermined the emergence of populism because this period of internal disorder led to the refusal by successive Colombian governments to give in to the peoples demand for social scotch change.The repressive nature of the Ospina government u ndermined efforts of political leadership to participate in political meetings or engage in efforts that could increase ones popularity but undermine the government. Violence and instability continued (Palacios, pg. 72). For example, the government on March 1949 banned all public meetings and had all Liberal governors leave their positions. These measures were be taken to restore order in the country. Furthermore, the government in 1949 ordered the closure of Congress.This meant that the political system in Colombia could no longer function as usual. The rural police forces intensified efforts to fight the Liberals and the belligerents. As a result, the liberals protest led to the liberals eventual resignation form their positions and as a result, protests by the Liberals continued. The nonstarter by the Liberal party to contest during the professorshipial elections had Laureano Gomez, a Conservative candidate take over office in 1950. Gomez was the leader of a reactionary factio n and preferred authority and order.The constitution that was drafted under Gomezs guidance in 1953 was expected to expand the powers of departmental governors and enhance presidential autonomy. In order to contain the mounting violence and to prevent the regaining of power by the liberals, Gomez tried to curtail servicing liberties and to acquire broad powers. In addition, the independent labor unions were removed and the congressional elections were held without any opposition. Other measures that the Gomez administration put into place included the control of courts by the executive, censoring of the press. Gomez also directed his repression against the Liberal opposition. on that point was relative sparing prosperity during this time due to the expansion of the export markets and foreign investment increase. However, Gomez lose support due to military establishment, attacks on concord conservatives. Gomez illness in 1951 had Roberto Urdaneta become the acting president. nor mal Gustavo Rojas took over power in 1953 and military leadership that was witnessed in the country continued to undermine political participation and democracy in the country. In the 1960s, armed conflicts whereby left-wing insurgents, government forces and right-wing paramilitaries were witnessed in Colombia.There was lack of civil authority and public order and intense military operations were undertaken to counter the opposition. Rojas was except removed from power in 1957 leading to the restoration of civilian rule after some moderate Liberals and Conservatives formed a bipartisan coalition known as the National Front. Alberto Lleras Camargo served as Colombias president upto 1962. All these events made it difficult for populist regimes to emerge again in Colombia and up to date, Colombian leadership is still non-populist.Alvaro Uribes policies and non-populism The absence of populism in Colombia is unique in a continent where populist politics are still evident today . The cu rrent Colombian President Alvaro Uribe policies are not populist despite having some elements of populism. President Uribes is now in his second term in office. His policies have not aimed at increasing mass support for his government. In populist regimes, government policies tend to be utilize in a manner that tries to win the support of the masses.Since Uribe assumed into power, he has not advocated for policies that aim at addressing the needs of all the citizens. Instead, he has focused on improving scotch victimization and improving certificate in the country. The main reason why Uribe is not populist can therefore be attributed to the fact that he has not made efforts to mobilize masses and cultivate supporters. Rather than focusing on efforts to lift up the poor in order to gain the support of the masses, President Uribe policies emphasize on improving scotch growth and credential.As a result, since his elections into office in 2002, he has received high approval rating s due to his policies that have promoted sustained scotch growth, surety and continuous implementation of run social programs. The domestic security form _or_ system of government that Uribe has adopted plays a critical role in promoting democratic representation in presidency. The indemnity was unveiled in 2003 and the efforts by Uribes administration to deepen democracy and strengthen democratic representation have ensured that democratic institutions have not been undermined to create populism.After being elected into office and inaugurated on 7th August 2002, President Uribe introduced radical policies to purify security. Insecurity in Colombia due to violence has for decades undermined economic and social development. President Uribe is a tough conservative whose political life has focused in fleck rebels and illegal armed groups in the country which cause the instability. The landslide victory for the second term provided him with adequate time to address the issue of drug trafficking and armed groups. The democratic security policy seeks to cater for the eudaemonia of all Colombians.(The Uribe Administrations pop Security and Defense Policy, pg 1). The Colombian government has been working together with the US to fight drug trafficking groups and left-wing insurgent groups by consolidating state control so that the country is not a sanctuary of perpetrators of violence, terrorists and drug traffickers (Kirk, pg 52). This has protected the entire population from illegal drug trade and victimization by illegal armed groups. The government social programs have been well planned and coordinated unlike in populist regimes.The programs receive consistent and great financial support from the government in order to increase social and economic development across the country. In other populist regimes in Latin America, social programs are poorly coordinated, fail to reach the targeted beneficiaries and receive huge funds during the election period. Th is has not been the encase for Colombia. Uribes social programs to improve the living standards of the people by reducing inequalities has minimized sectoral and class conflicts in Colombia (US Central erudition,np) Agency.Populism is established when inequalities are not eliminated hence they create a social divide between the privileged and the underprivileged. In addition, populism is promoted when a large group of people who feel that they very minimal benefits from economic development support populists who promise to improve their welfare. In Colombia, the social divide has been addressed by the economic policy that has been implemented to improve income distribution. The benefits of the social programs reach the expected beneficiaries.The element of clientelism that still exists in Colombia prevents magnified political participation and mobilization. The political system is back up by faithfulness and loyalty and together with the development of professional class of poli ticians who are committed to intermediating between the voters and the state has made it difficult for populists to succeed. The government has original limits and checks in governance and intermediation between the state and the civil society is possible. Uribes leadership has not in any way attempted to mobilize the masses in efforts to overcome inequality and poverty.The efforts to improve leadership and promote democracy in the government oppose the utilization of state resources for personal interests or to maximize political support. This is a clear indication that Uribe is not a populist. However, his efforts to have the constitution amend so that he may run for a third term in office has made him resemble the populist presidents who undermine traditional institutions of democracy. President Uribe has shown great commitment in maintaining democratic institutions and addressing the needs of Colombia as a nation rather than focusing on issues that increase the support of the m asses.Why and how President Uribe efforts to make Colombia prosperous President Uribe has been making great efforts to make Colombia a prosperous nation costless of populism and leftist tendencies. Populism and leftist tendencies undermine democratic institutions and result to political instability that compromises prosperity of a nation. policy-making stability is meant to support economic prosperity which improves the living standards of the poor. This narrows the social divide that allows populism to contribute to low economic and social development.For instance, the social movement of leftist armed groups for decades has made it impossible for the government and the people to increase economic prosperity. The primary groups that are considered to be a threat to Colombias stability and peace are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the ELN guerillas. These groups rely on criminal activities to generate funds. War and drug trade have derailed economic prosperit y in Colombia for a long time (Livingstone, pg. 21). This has turned Colombia into one of the worlds largest midway for drug trafficking.President Uribe democratic security policy has improved both the national security and economic growth due to stability. In Uribes administration government policies, lack of populism is clear . This has been achieved by ensuring that market reforms move towards sustaining economic growth, reduction of poverty and unemployment as well as a reduction in inequality. Uribes economic policy has been able to move away from economic populism where emphasis is placed on the risk of deficit finance and inflation, reaction of economic agents on non-market policies and external constraints.Rather than mobilize the masses through the implementation of social programs that never benefit the people, Uribes government has developed and implemented sound social programs that distribute resources equally and have the living standards of the underprivileged improv ed. In other Latin American nations, social programs are implemented by the political leaders to win the support of the masses. Unfortunately, the people never benefit from the programs because a large proportion of the financial resources put aside to support the programs is either extra or embezzled.The allocation of resources to support government programs has been consistent, an issue that has improved economic growth in Colombia. transparency and democracy ensure that leaders are responsible and accountable. By improving the living standards of the people across the nation, Uribes leadership has made it difficult for political leaders to become populists by claiming to represent the underprivileged. The posture of leftist groups in Colombia has led to blood shed, prosperity of the drug trade and social injustice. These groups have been involved in the drug trade and in the rural areas impose their rules on the people.The domestic security policy has aimed at defeating armed groups such as the ELN and FARC. The president has expressed concern that some of the major security threats in Colombia include narcotics trade and terrorism. He has therefore taken a disenfranchised line stance against guerillas. Together with the assistance from its neighbors and the US, the Colombian government has managed to force out rebels from Colombias cities and towns. For example, the government has succeeded in fight the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. The need to restore peace in the country and invest in improving the welfare of the people has become a priority.For example, the security program that is implemented is expected to increase legal action against the perpetrators of crimes with high social impact, restore peace, reduce human rights violation as well as the dismantle terrorist or leftist groups. The security policy is expected to demobilize illegal groups, increase give-and-take capacity, engage civilians in leadership and increase defense spendi ng. Colombia is engaged in regional economic cooperation as a means of improving regional economic growth, political stability and security.For instance, President Uribe has been able to put aside political differences that Colombia has had with its neighbours such as Venezuela to pursue economic progress. Furthermore, because the neigbouring nations are concerned about the presence of illegal armed groups in Colombia, bilateral relations have made it possible for the nations to fight leftist groups together. Regional economic growth has had positive impact on the Colombian economy. President Uribe has been working hard to strengthen government institutions that increase freedom.For example, in 2004, President Uribe managed to engage citizens throughout the country in governance after he established a government present in about 1,099 municipalities in Colombia. President Alvaro Uribe supports free trade policies and has attempted to fight internal forces that cause political instab ility which affect the countrys economic and social development for decades. He has strong domestic policies that support government programs that invest people economically. For example, his administration supports economic cooperation with its neigbours.Diplomatic ties with the neighbours in Latin America has been supported, economic development supported and efforts to combat leftist tendencies improved. The Colombian government has been involved in expanding the countrys participation in the international trade, strengthening the rule of law, promoting good governanace, protecting human rights and reducing poverty (US Central Intelligence Agency, np). Conclusion Populism has been a common element in Latin American nations whereby the leaders attempt to win the support of the masses through mobilization.Countries such as Chile, Peru and Brazil have had populist political parties dominate political leadership. However, Colombia is a Latin American country that has managed to maint ain non-populism since the death of the populist Jorge Gaitan in 1948. The current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe policies have shown that he is not a populist. In addition, great efforts by Uribe to make Colombia prosperous free of populism and leftist groups have been successful. Works Cited Conniff, Michael. Populism in Latin America. University of Alabama Press, 1999 Dix, Robert. The Varieties of Populism the case of Colombia.Western. governmental Quarterly, 31, 334-351, 1978 Dornbusch, Rudiger and Edwards, Sebastian. Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America, University of sugar Press, 1991 Hylton, Forrest. Evil Hour in Colombia. New York Verso Books, 2006 Kirk, Robin . more(prenominal) Terrible Than Death Drugs, Violence, and Americas War in Colombia. United States PublicAffairs, 2004 Livingstone, Grace. Inside Colombia Drugs, Democracy, and War. Rutgers University Press, 2004 Palacios, Marco. Between Legitimacy and Violence A History of Colombia, 1875 2002. United Stat es of America Duke University Press, 2006 Roldan, Mary.Blood and Fire La Violencia in Antioquia, Colombia, 1946-1953. Duke University Press, 2002 Sharpless, Richard. Gaitan of Colombia a political biography. Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978 The Uribe Administrations Democratic Security and Defense Policy. Embassy of Colombia. Accessed on April, 29 2010from http//www. presidencia. gov. co/sne/visita_bush/documentos/security. pdf Urrutia, Miguel. On the Absence of Economic Populism in Colombia. University of Chicago Press, 1991 US Central Intelligence Agency. Colombia. Accessed on April 29, 2010 from https//www. cia. gov/library/ /the /co. html

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Shaken and therefore angered Essay Example for Free

shake and therefore angered EssayChris is a character in which the audience can really relate to, the audience only knows what Chris knows, both of them dont know the real truth. moth miller uses Chris to convey the real message out of this story. Chris a character who believes his convey and is a very honest in the beginning of the play. The truth of the cylinder heads effects Chris so a good deal because the people who Keller killed were like br opposites to him.Chris refers to the soldiers in war as his brothers because the war experience to him was very moving for him, Chris was amazed to see the courage and recognise which each soldier gave to each other, and how he was shocked to see that the same courage and love wasnt seen hold up at home after the war. On page 66, he calls the soldiers as his boys which is a reflection of how much he cared for them.milling machine uses Chris to show how businesses make do good out of the war, how they wrongly utilize innocent soldiers to profit from. . Such as on page 61 when George says how Steve would like to get every man who made coin out of the war, Chris replies Hell conduct a lot of bullets so agreeing with him. Miller is very anti-capitalist, and he makes Chris anti-capitalist as well, he want to make Chris a person who attacks people who want to make money out of doing wrong, that is why he didnt want his name on his dads business. Miller wants to use Chris to show how deflower the American dream really is.Chris can be viewed at being a character who never deceives himself or others, however this isnt entirely true. On page 76 he admits that he suspected that his father was responsible for the soldiers deaths but still lies and deceives himself to George, I suspected my father and I did nothing about it.Miller dramatises the theme that sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost very well. He does it very effectively and uses a variety of techniques which makes it effective. If you r efer to the word when in the actual theme, relates to the point that finally the consequences of actions are going t come back to haunt the character. This idea of something appearing later on in the story engages the audience who wait to see what the other character reactions are to emerging consequences. some other way in which he makes the dramatising effective is by stopping us in particular split in a crucial chat which is likely to give us the vital information which we need to make full sense and understanding of the play. The stopping in a middle of a heated up conversation is known as a indirect tactic, Miller uses them by introducing new characters who stop a engaging conversation between two of the main characters in the play. An example of the use of a indirect tactic is shown on page 53. This is where George has entered the scene with Anne and Chris, at first the tension is very low and the conversation is very light-hearted, but it soon switches when George asks A nne whether she has married Chris yet. The topic of marriage increases the tension in the scene, and is aided by the short and sharp verses which both George and Chris say.The argument escalates even further when Keller is brought in to the topic of conversation, Your Dad took everything we expect. The audience become more engaged with the conversation as George demands to see Keller, so that the confrontation which the audience have been wanting for can now happen but Miller holds the audience back and uses a diversionary tactic by introducing mother. Mother quickly reduces the tension and relaxes the atmosphere by referring to George in an informal and fond way, Georgie. George decides to change the topic of conversation which he previously had with Chris and start talking light-heartedly to Mother, he decides to be more friendly as he doesnt want to alarm or upset such a fragile and disturbed women.Another effective technique which Miller uses, is the use of stage directions, t hey are used to portray a characters positions and reactions. They are used to enhance the suspicions within the audience, examples of them are Crossing to them rapidly, They wait and Shaken and therefore angered. These specific examples are used just before George enters the scene, and makes the audience question to why the other characters have those stage directions.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Edward and Adam role play Essay Example for Free

Edward and spell role play EssayThe piece did not have a title. As it was an assignment we didnt name our play. It is called Edward and Adam role play, because in this nips we show when Edward has just been captured and he meets Adam for the premier time. Edward is really confused, and when Adam try to still him down, he deems that Adam is an Arab whos there to beat him up again. header OF THE PIECE I retrieve that the main aim of the piece is to show how two men unbroken in captivity would react when they meet for the first time.Adam is an American doctor, while Edward is an Irish journalist. Edward, is soaked and thoughtful. A hard-living, hard-driven man, he is tormented by the regret that he has pushed away his wife and not taken the time to know his children, and now never may. He is a complex, charismatic, charming and irritating man, whose opera hat weapons against despondency and self-pity argon quick jokes, biting humor and a healthy awareness of his failing s.When Edward is being taking into the carrel he tries to fight back, by spitting at the Arabs. The reaction of the Arabs is shown with violence, and Edward get overcome up. When Adam sees what is occurrent he tries to help the new arrived, but he gets beaten up as well. When Edward wakes up, he ears the character of a stranger, that stranger is Adam, who is arduous to calm down him that everything is fine. Edward first response is trying to get away from the chains, and trying to find a way out of the jail. When he finally realises that hes locked up with a stranger, he disunites howler that hes Irish, and that hes country is neutral.In all this time Adam is trying to interrupt him, but Edward completely ignores him, until whence he starts asking questions. What he hears, hes not what he expected. In fact he has been told that he would stay put in the cell for an indeterminate time. In the scene there isnt much movement as they are both suppose to be chained up. The only movement we get in the scene is when Adam starts exercising, and tell Edward that he should do something as well, to keep his mind full. Edward is still really confuse and involve to know more than than about his new friend. He keeps on asking questions, and they start to know individually other better. The scene finish up when Adam tells Edward that hes not alone as he has got him to view over him. We of course choose this ending by the title of the play.PRESENTATION The piece has been presented well, and my partner and I have done a good job as the piece was understood by everyone in the audience. As we werent able-bodied to use the stage once more, we used another space in the room. We be after the scene carefully, and we decided to have Adam sitting down lining against the wall, reading the Koran. When Edward is coming in we have both of the characters trying to fight back the Arabs but as both get beaten up they faint. When Edward wakes up, hes very scared as he founds o ut that he is chained. For a moment he thinks hes dreaming, but when he realizes that that is reality, we can feel the stress and the fear coming out of his voice. Adam is tries his best to welcome him in the cell. But how can you make someone welcome when you are kept in chain?Edward is really stressed and keeps on asking more questions as he wants to know more about what its happening. After a while Adam start getting exercising, but this only makes Edward more confuse and makes him ask more questions. When the two men get to know each other more, Edward start to relax, and they start to talk normally and calmly, about everyday things, such as family, sports, jobs and so on.For most of the scene the two men are sitting down lining on the wall, talking.In this scene we had a big contrast between two different men, such as Adam and Edward.. Adam, is very calm, kind, and tries to reassure Edward. While Edward is very aggressive, as hes just been captured, and in first place he thinks that Adam is an Arab, and he doesnt trust him.STRENGTH AND WEAKNESSES The piece strength as weaknesses as well. Once again I think that my partner and I have done a good job, because we have done a sea captain piece, which I think has impressed the audience, as we have explored the inner side two men who meets for the first time in a situation of hostages. We wrote a script of the piece so that we would have been able to remember the piece. I think that the main strength of this piece is that I had the opportunity to work with the said(prenominal) partner, and we put very good ideas together.Some of the weaknesses of this piece were that we couldnt act the piece on the stage, I think that it would have been more effective as we would have had more space, and we could have used the lights as well.PROBLEMS I HAVE EXPERIENCED The major problem in playacting this piece was that I was suppose to calm down a man who has just been captured and thrown into a cell. I had to be very long -suffering into the play as Edward kept on interrupting, and kept on asking questions.Looking back at the play I think that I have done a good job into acting Adam, and I also enjoyed it.

Student Loan Summary Essay Example for Free

Student Loan Summary EssaySome future consequences of adoption too much debt usher out consist of having trouble paying your bills to receiving dunning notices from your creditors due to late or no payments. This will cause your accounts to than be turned over to debt collectors. You can then be at bump of losing some of your personal assets such as a car, or home. If you find yourself going through these things this can be considered a financial crises.Before it is time to leap repaying any debts back you should develop a strategic plan, say for instance, I need to plan on how I will repay my scholar impart. The first thing I will do is to shop for a reputable Credit discuss Organization that can advise me on money managing and my debts. Help me in creating and developing a figure that will help me to successfully repay any unsecured contributes (student loans) I have acquired. One incontrovertible thing to do to keep students loans to a lower place control.Student l oans are loans that pay for higher Education thither are two types of way that helps you pay your tuition, books food and housing. With loans and grants, subsidized and unsubsidized loans. A subsidized loan is base on the students needs and do not require payments or repayments of interest until six months later graduation. An unsubsidized loan builds interest upon the time it is a worded, And one positive way to keep my student loan under control.According to the student loan characteristics if I receive a disbursement of a subsidized loan and I am an independent student my first Year loan of 2,625 payments dont start until six months after graduation and interest rank at 8. 25% for one year is 4. 06% after graduation. And an unsubsidized loan will build and you pay interest rates during the life of the loan with interest rates of 8. 25% for one year is 6. 8% six months after graduation. I think knowing the steps to managing your finances and loans will help you stay out of deb t.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Honour & Shame Essay Example for Free

celebrate daunt EssayOne Sun twenty-four hour period morning I was driving my children back from their regular soccer game. It was a warm summer day, sun shining ever so brightly, making the uneven town picturesque. As I drove along in my Holden with rigid brown seats and the windscreen wipers that didnt work, I looked over to my sixteen year old daughter sitting neighboring to menodding and shaking her head rhythmically to, in her words, legendary music band One Direction. An image of Asreen flashed through my mindKiran? the voice on my mobile resound was barely much than a whisper. Kiran? Is that you? .The train ride back home was a typical for Friday eveningIt was very busy Friday evening train ride back from work, Are you able to announce up a little? I asked, raising my own voice overagainst loud chatterschatters from fellow passengers and howling(a) noise from the train.I found your recite in Indus Age, My the line went suddenly went dead. Indus Age is a local a nesthetic monthly newspaper. iIt has largest circulation to Indian and South East Asian community in the country. I was interviewed a workweek ago concerning about my plight with honour based violence. After dickens eld of lengthy legitimate proceeding over evidence of injury which included tampered medical records I managed to originate a fall apart. I was sure that such crimeshonour based violence against women was prevalent and practiced behind closed limens, after my divorce I unavoidablenessed to assist other women in similar situation and have my phone number published in the newspaper.I thought I lost her just then, few minutes later, she was back. perturbing I had to hang up I thought someone was coming. My parents are forcing me to marry a 35 year old man who I dont even know. I am a prisoner in my own house. I cant take it any longer. I unavoidableness help. She stopped for breath. Please help me, she said in a trembling voice. She sounded frantic it seemed tha t she was at the gentleness of her family.I didnt know who I was talking to but I knew I had to help. I utter quickly, Can you get out? in that respect are all sorts of help available if you can get out. I knew from my own experience that if a girl has made up her mind to run she normally finds a way to do it. This woman could be anywhere in the country but she was awful and I had to reassure her. There is help for you,. I said. There are women refuge houses, heap to support. I would support you. Youll be okay.But howWait, thats Dad. Hes coming. I have to go Her phone went dead.I felt anxiousiety, my pulse shot up as I tried as outperform I could to get on with my daily household choresroutine and parental responsibilities. Later in thethat evening piece of music I was preparing dinner my phone rang again. I tried hard to understand but couldnt form out anything except the gasping sound panting. I turned off my range-hood and enquired, Hello?Its me, Asreen, she spoke, her v oice perforate as if she was right next to me. I did it, I ran awayWhere are you?Redfern.Asreen, you have to call the police. DailDial 000 I had put my phone on speaker as I washed my hands.No, I dont want police. My family will never see me again. My community will disown me, she said claimed almost hysterical.I could imagine why Asreen didnt want police to be involved. She was in a state of disquietude and frustration. Her parents who loved her dearly until very recently changed overnight and now consider familys honour more important than that of their daughters well-being and happiness.Meet me at Redfern railway station in 45 minutes,. I said cleaning up my kitchen.Please dont be late,. she hung up.I called on my children and explained them that I need to go out on an emergency. I drove as fast as I could ago the motorway speeding up to maximum limit. I reached Redfern at 8 p.m. it was crowded, people pushing one another to get ahead in line. Few country trains hurried past w hile the intercity trains stopped at the platform for passengerss dark and deserted. I walked across the automatic ticket mechanism to find myself staring at a tall slim woman leaning against the closed door humming what I could understand a very popular song. from Justin Beiber.She looked no more than sixteen dressed in a traditional outfit her head was covered in a veil. I caught her look and she smiled and then waved at me.Kiran, she said enthusiastically.Yes. I walked closer I could see her eyes swollen lips dry smeared make up over her face. I offered her a bottle of water and walked with her to my car. No one spoke, the two minute walk felt like an eternity.Breaking the silence she spoke softly, Thank thank you Kiran. You salve my life. I read your story and only after I spoke to you I found braveness to leave my house.I didnt know what to say, I was in a state of shock. I felt rage I could barely focus on my driving I wanted to say something. Asreen continued, There we re bolts on all doors and someone from the family was always home. I didnt know how to get out. And if I did, where would I go?We talked about family, food, school, fashion and many other issues on our way back. We talked as if we were best friends and had know each other for many years. I introduced Asreen to my children Maya and Vicky and offered her rice and lamb curry for dinner. It was close to midnight she looked very jade and fell asleep as soon as she sat on the lounge.I imagined her situation it was her father who arranged her marriage. She grew up knowing that one day the subject of her marriage would come up but didnt expect it when she was sixteen. She was one of the smartest girls in her school she wanted to become a psychiatrist. One day when her parents woke her up and told her that she was going to get engaged Asreen said bluntly, But I dont want to.For the next few days I enquired at womens refuge centre, department of community services, effective aid and other community based organisations. What followed was another court proceeding lasting more than 12 weeks. I became Asreens foster parent while she continued her education. Later that year Asreen and I started Honour to help other women from South East Asian family facing honour based violenceI sat next to her contemplating on the events of the day. I wanted to help Asreen and reach out to other women in similar situations confronting comment and oppression from inside their communities and often close family members for not being obedient to the traditional rules set by men for thousands of years.Are you alright? Asreen said waking up suddenly. I realised that I circumstantially dropped my glass on the wooden floor breaking it into pieces. Why cant I snappy like any other sixteen year old girls? Why cant I have boy-friends like girls from my school? she cried while cleaning up broken pieces of glass.It was close to two, I was so exhausted I could barely feel any strength in my legs. I could hear Asreens voice slowly fading away. With my eyes closed I tried to seek explanation for such acts against own daughter.The issue of status of women is always in question in a patriarchal society. For thousands of years people from Indian sub-continent had considered daughter a painful burden, a potential source of shame to her father. Family is vital principal group and marriage hallowed as sacred. Women are deprived of their freedom and those who rebel or go against the norms faces threat the people of the community so much so that they are even killed for honour. maybe this comes out as it makes it like a newspaper article, not a narrative. As we arrived home I hugged my daughter tightly and said with tears running down my cheeks, I love you. The time anatomy here doesnt work, youve already taken the story on years but now go back to the present