
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

International Public Relations application excercise Essay

International Public Relations application excercise - Essay guinea pigI decided to obtain an MSc in earthly concern transaction because this educational arena leave assist me in developing my PR skills that provide be required when I will be serving as a public relations officer for a particular organization. This course will not only provide me with theoretical knowledge related to the field of public relations, it will withal assist me in applying this theoretical knowledge in the practical settings. MSc in public relations will assist me by teaching me how to use relations with media to conduct effective and efficient PR campaigns and will develop my consultancy skills through different coursework and assignments.2. Currently the female gender is leading the industry of public relations out of the 100% of the workforce of the public relations industry, 85% are females as say by the Public Relations alliance of America. In accordance to the statistics of Orange County, wom en are the owners of well constituted PR agencies and they are mainly leading in niches such as boutique. The academic literature falls short of explaining the reason wherefore the PR industry is led by the female gender and why the female gender is the most preferred industry by women. Certain practitioners of the industry believe that women encounter the characteristics and skills required to make it into the PR industry.Women do not only lead the professional side of the industry, they redden lead the educational side of the industry. In the US, over 60% of the individuals who enroll in different kinds of PR educational programs are females. According to a PR professor of the Cal State Fullerton and a member of the society of American Public Relations is of the idea that women have the required skill set that are highly desirable in the PR industry. He stated that females are better public relation representatives as during their educational life they perform better in liste ning, observing and communication. These

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