
Monday, April 15, 2019

Early Childhood Development Management Essay Example for Free

earlier Childhood Development Management canvasEarly Childhood Development (ECD) is a holistic, integrated, inclusive approach to Programming, research and policy for young children up to 6 years of age and requires a healthy, safe and nurturing environs that includes opportunities to support the emotional, social, physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspects of children within the mise en scene of their community. It welcomes their participation and empowers them as a basis for their future. (National frugal Development and law Center). directlys early childhood educators face commission and strategic challenges in an increasingly turbulent environment rapid growth demands increased managerial proficiency. In order to meet these critical challenges, agency leadership must develop entrepreneurial competencies and a firm understanding of core management theories and principles. At times, sluice the most successful organizations need to redefine profession goals and create innovative strategies to excel at a new level. This paper give address the key issues of monetary management in an ECD center.Financial management of a school entails School financial analysis and reports, finance policy and procedures, finance resources, school funding, steep Yield Investment Accounts, worksheets, taxation and schools education and training funding. (Grossman and Keyes, 231). Finance resources and school funding From National Economic Development and Law Center For the market feasibleness analysis for income generation, the financial administrator need to mensurate what works most effectively for a particular ara and the families being targeted.An advertising budget is freeze with determination on how to get the most out. A strong market feasibility analysis for a facility development project would prove that in that fix are enough resources. According to (name of first ECD center) there is market demand for child complaint at rates sufficient to generate revenues to cover not only operating outgos, but also debt service on any loans incurred to develop the facility.Financial feasibility analysis assesses key areas concern with the day care mainly the number of other child care programs (both center and family based) that already exist in the community The number of child care spaces already provided in the area The vacancy rate of other programs in the area The average cost of care got by contacting and visiting existing providers to find out about their vacancy rates and the kinds of go they offer The length of current waiting lists that other market-area child care programs currently have (For existing programs) the length of the line of descent waiting list Age groups that are being served (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age, or a Combination) or that are not being served by other programs Locations of existing child care business linees in your vicinity The services your proposed business or expansion can provide that other child care providers are not offering, and Types of services offered by existing child care businesses. (Name of the second center) School financial analysis and reports The administrator describes how the cash in hand being requested will be used. These expenditures should also demonstrate that the center is a good investment, and it shows that the business is financially sound and well managed. The financial analysis section contains four componentsFirstly the Summary of financial needs that briefly describes why funding is needed, the type of funding required, total amount needed, and how the funds will be used. Secondly is the A well-prepared development budget showing that the costs involved have been cautiously considered including both the line item costs and the known or anticipated sources of funding. Thirdly is financial projections which are financial averments used to predict the future profitability of a business. Projections should be based on existent re search and reasonable assumptions. They include cash flow projections income (incoming money from parent fees, vouchers, state subsidies, etc.), and expense projections (health care, tuition or anticipated). Lastly, It is necessary to include financial statements that reflect the businesses past financial activities, a statement of financial position, and a cash flow statement. Previous financial statements or projected statements. (Brealey et al, 1996) Conclusion From Children research, ECD centers ought to be warm nurturing learning environment with trained caring staff, nutritious meals, in a central location of a community having a large safe outdoor play area. These are key areas that a financial administrator should ensure maximum financial support is given as the backbone to the center. (Early Childhood Educational Issues). ReferencesGrossman B, Keyes C Early Childhood Administration, Michigan Allyn and Bacon National Economic Development and Law Center (2003) Child Care Cent er Financial Planning and Facilities Development Manual twenty-second April 2008 http//www. buildingchildcare. org/ cardinal%20Manual%20FINAL. pdf Brealey, Richard A. and Myers, Stewart C, Principles of Corporate Finance, New York McGraw-Hill, (1996). Early Childhood Educational Issues. National Association for the Education of the Young Children. 22nd April 2008 http//www. naeyc. org/ece/. (Name of first ECD center). Personal interview. 22nd April 2008. (Name of the second center). Personal interview. 22nd April 2008.

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