
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Presidential Election 2012 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Presidential Election 2012 - full term Paper ExampleAt the moment, the canvass are very close. In the end, in November 2012, deal Romney testament be elected president, and Barack Obama will have an early retirement. Barack Obama is a good man, but voters will solve he is over his head. Voter decision-making processes President Obama took office in 2008, promising to bring hope and throw to Washington. Voters were tired and exhausted after eight years under George W. Bush. The Republicans had trouble drumming up support. Obama was comparable a breath of fresh air. But immediately, his presidency faced major challenges. He had to decide how to jalopy with the fallout from the financial crisis which was still unraveling. He had to deal with Iraq and the auto industry. These were major challenges. Although President Obama has tried terrible on the miserliness, the results, nearly four years later are not good. Unemployment is still very high. many a(prenominal) political pund its believe that the elections will largely come down to who is a better economic manager. Mitt Romney has many useful credentials as a tuneman. Voters, when making a decision, are going to notion to Romneys strong economic credentials and Obamas weak ones. That is part of the reason they are promising to choose Romney when push comes to shove. They are tired of the way Washington has become. Voters still dont sock who to vote for, the evidence suggests. A recent poll reported in the Washington Post showed that the die hard was still too close to call. The story concluded as follows Given recent trends, Obama can burden to a gradually improving outlook and Romney can cite his experience as a business leader and appeal to those concerned well-nigh their own financial plight. Obama still enjoys a big gender-gap advantage. And the polls show both Romney and Obama are strongly supported by their respective partisans. In most polls, Romney fares wellhead among independents, althou gh not decisively so. Of course, a lot more than ups and downs lie ahead. (AP) Most critics agree that the better the economy does in the next few months, the better Obamas chances will be with ordinary voters concerned about pocketbook issues (Dorning). This is something Obamas people must be very concerned about. Campaign spending two Romney and Obama are excellent fundraisers. In 2008, Obama utilize innovative techniques to bring in small donations. He used the Internet. Now he has a new advantage incumbency. It will be hard for Romney to match him, as these recent figures show Obama reported a bank balance of $104.1 one thousand million after raising $35.1 million in frame in. That included $7.5 million transferred from a joint fundraising account with the Democratic National Committee. Romney finished March with $10.1 million to spend after raising $13.1 million during the month, his best in the campaign. Through March 31, Obama raise $196.6 million for his re- election , more than twice as much as the cumulative $88.7 million collected by Romneys campaign. One thing is for sure. This will be the most expensive campaign in American history. Both campaigns will raise hundreds of millions of dollars. With the Supreme Courts recent decision in Citizens join will also allow outside parties to spend money, in an unaffiliated manner. This probably means more negative ads and untraceable smears. In the end, voters will probably say that they have had enough of Obama. He was minded(p) an opportunity to fix the economy but he has been unable to work well with Congress to spin major economic reforms. All he has done is to create more barriers

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