
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Absence Of Populism In Colombia Essay Example for Free

Absence Of Populism In Colombia EssayThe term populism refers to a semi g all overnmental dodging where the draws appeal directly to the people and seek the throw of sociable sectors that are non fittedly readed in the political arrangements that exist. In a populist formation, the leaders tend to enjoy the support of the mass as a result of mass mobilization. In many Latin American nations much(prenominal) as Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Panama, Peru and Mexico, one or more plaques have adopted populist policies (Dornbusch and Edwards, pg. 7). However, populism has failight-emitting diode to emerge in Colombia gentility the question of why populism is not part of the Colombian society.Although populism in Colombian was promoted by the political leader Jorge Eliecer Gaitan who was assassinated in 1948, populism failed to emerge after his demise. Gaitan assassinated ended populist leadership in capital of South Carolina . Up to date, Colombia has managed to a dopt a non-populist political system. Although the latest Colombian president Alvaro Uribe leadership is aimed to have some(prenominal) elements common with many populists, he is not a populist. The issue of absence of populism in Colombia in a continent missd by populism and the reasons behind the absence involve to be examined. electric chair Alvaro Uribe non-populist leadership has been attributed to his lose of interest in mobilizing lot and activating supporters. These occurrenceors are important elements in populism. This paper will look the reasons behind absence of populism in Colombia by tracing historical events in the terra firma. The paper will first-year present a belief history of Colombia and important events during the leadership of Jorge Gaitan. His emergence as a political leader and the peoples reaction to his emergence will be explored as well as the reasons behind leave out of populism emergence after his death .Finally, the paper will evaluate Pres ident Uribe non-populist policies and why/how he has secure great efforts to make Colombia prosper in absence of populism and left tendencies. Discussion A Brief overview of populism Populism embraces political facsimile that challenges the democratic political society where a highly polarized concept of society exists. Populist regimes the likes of the ones that have been witnessed in Latin American emphasize on the complaisant divide mingled with the inside(a) who have benefited from the existing political practices and the belowprivileged who account for the excluded majority (Coniff, pg. 22).Populist leaders claim to represent this underprivileged concourse that comprises of the poor and promise social justice. As a result, the leaders tend to renounce any political intermediation that aim at limiting and checking their political power. Some political analysts consider populism to be nationalistic, authoritarian and depend on social mobilization for support. Many populis t regimes often ruin traditional parties. The populist manifestation indicates that the traditional commercialize reforms in a populist regime are unable to sustain frugal growth, reduce poverty, generate employment opportunities and reduce inequality.Although populist leaders use democratic means to assume into political power, they are confused in undermining democratic institutions once they secure into office. History of Colombia and events at the time of populist Jorge Eliecier Gaitan The collapse of the Gran Colombia 1830 led to the emergence of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Colombia became a country in 1886. Two major political parties, the Liberal and Conservative parties emerged in Colombia receivable to the differences between the follo clearg of two leaders Paula Santander and Simon Bolivar These two parties dominated the Colombian regime for a long time.Gaitan became achieved national prestigiousness done his efforts of addressing the issues of concern of the peasants. For in bearing, he was involved in a Congressional investigation of workers revolt and strike in 1929 in Santa Marta and also wrote on the excesses of management and repressive intervention of the soldiers in Colombia. This make Gaitan win great popular prestige and become a hero among the peasants. He joined the left wing of the Liberal party after 1930s and managed to win Congressional elections in March 1947.He go along to strengthen his position and increase his popularity by trying to reach the plurality and giving them hope The Colombian society comprised of the privileged who held political offices and the poor who considered Gaitan to contest for their rights. Peasant populism and hobnailed protests were witnessed since the 1930s. Gaitan became a charismatic leader of the Liberal party (Sharpless, pg,36). His popularity and claims to fight for the welfare of the masses attracted hundreds of thousands of low income Colombians and total members in his poli tical meetings.He was admired for denouncing moral, social and scotch events that oppressed the masses which he promised to abolish with cooperation and support from the people . His claim to champion the cause of the masses increased populism. The people, most of whom were peasants and low income earners were attracted by Gaitans leadership. For instance, the issue of land reforms which he seemed to address was of great concern to the people. For example, by mobilizing the masses to protest through with(predicate) the streets of Bogota in February 1948, Gaitan gained the support of the masses .He was assassinated two months later, an event that triggered the La violencia. This was characterized by foeman between the Conservative and Liberal parties supporters and hostilities between classes. The Colombian society experienced violence and dissymmetry. Non-populism in Colombia after Gaitans death .The absence of populist regimes in Colombia in the 1930s and 1940s as well as the political instability that was witnessed in Colombia (Dix, pg. 342). After Gaitans assassination made it unacceptable for the political leaders to depute into place populist regime in Colombia.Uncontrolled human confrontation in Bogota spread to the country side where bands were organized to create terror. La Violencia is estimated to have led to the deaths of more than 200,000 people over duration of eighteen years, the 1948 1958 tips was bloodiest . One of the most powerful guerilla group in Colombia, and known as the basal Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was the product of this conflict. The period after Gaitans death was marked by lack of hope in the masses and the political society. Armed confrontation was characterized by rebellions and riots between 1948 and 1966(Hylton, pg.40). Because populism requires leaders to mobilize the masses, violence drove Colombia into a politically unstable nation. The political instability that was experienced in the country made it impossi ble for the political leaders to secure leadership through populism. there was mass social frustration due to the killings and displacement of a large number of people. Those who had believed that Jorge Gaitan was the neertheless hope for alter the lives of the masses were disappointed. In Bogota and the Mariano Ospinas government struggled to restore raise in Colombia.However, the unpolished violence that was witnessed triggered a state of undeclared civil war and violence spread throughout the country. Only the southernmost parts of Marino and Caribbean coastal area were spared. The violence phenomenon became complex and was characterized by sheer rural banditry as well as partisan political rivalry (Roldan, pg. 93). The political rivalry undermined the emergence of populism because this period of internal disorder led to the refusal by successive Colombian governments to give in to the peoples demand for social scotch change.The repressive nature of the Ospina government u ndermined efforts of political leadership to participate in political meetings or engage in efforts that could increase ones popularity but undermine the government. Violence and instability continued (Palacios, pg. 72). For example, the government on March 1949 banned all public meetings and had all Liberal governors leave their positions. These measures were be taken to restore order in the country. Furthermore, the government in 1949 ordered the closure of Congress.This meant that the political system in Colombia could no longer function as usual. The rural police forces intensified efforts to fight the Liberals and the belligerents. As a result, the liberals protest led to the liberals eventual resignation form their positions and as a result, protests by the Liberals continued. The nonstarter by the Liberal party to contest during the professorshipial elections had Laureano Gomez, a Conservative candidate take over office in 1950. Gomez was the leader of a reactionary factio n and preferred authority and order.The constitution that was drafted under Gomezs guidance in 1953 was expected to expand the powers of departmental governors and enhance presidential autonomy. In order to contain the mounting violence and to prevent the regaining of power by the liberals, Gomez tried to curtail servicing liberties and to acquire broad powers. In addition, the independent labor unions were removed and the congressional elections were held without any opposition. Other measures that the Gomez administration put into place included the control of courts by the executive, censoring of the press. Gomez also directed his repression against the Liberal opposition. on that point was relative sparing prosperity during this time due to the expansion of the export markets and foreign investment increase. However, Gomez lose support due to military establishment, attacks on concord conservatives. Gomez illness in 1951 had Roberto Urdaneta become the acting president. nor mal Gustavo Rojas took over power in 1953 and military leadership that was witnessed in the country continued to undermine political participation and democracy in the country. In the 1960s, armed conflicts whereby left-wing insurgents, government forces and right-wing paramilitaries were witnessed in Colombia.There was lack of civil authority and public order and intense military operations were undertaken to counter the opposition. Rojas was except removed from power in 1957 leading to the restoration of civilian rule after some moderate Liberals and Conservatives formed a bipartisan coalition known as the National Front. Alberto Lleras Camargo served as Colombias president upto 1962. All these events made it difficult for populist regimes to emerge again in Colombia and up to date, Colombian leadership is still non-populist.Alvaro Uribes policies and non-populism The absence of populism in Colombia is unique in a continent where populist politics are still evident today . The cu rrent Colombian President Alvaro Uribe policies are not populist despite having some elements of populism. President Uribes is now in his second term in office. His policies have not aimed at increasing mass support for his government. In populist regimes, government policies tend to be utilize in a manner that tries to win the support of the masses.Since Uribe assumed into power, he has not advocated for policies that aim at addressing the needs of all the citizens. Instead, he has focused on improving scotch victimization and improving certificate in the country. The main reason why Uribe is not populist can therefore be attributed to the fact that he has not made efforts to mobilize masses and cultivate supporters. Rather than focusing on efforts to lift up the poor in order to gain the support of the masses, President Uribe policies emphasize on improving scotch growth and credential.As a result, since his elections into office in 2002, he has received high approval rating s due to his policies that have promoted sustained scotch growth, surety and continuous implementation of run social programs. The domestic security form _or_ system of government that Uribe has adopted plays a critical role in promoting democratic representation in presidency. The indemnity was unveiled in 2003 and the efforts by Uribes administration to deepen democracy and strengthen democratic representation have ensured that democratic institutions have not been undermined to create populism.After being elected into office and inaugurated on 7th August 2002, President Uribe introduced radical policies to purify security. Insecurity in Colombia due to violence has for decades undermined economic and social development. President Uribe is a tough conservative whose political life has focused in fleck rebels and illegal armed groups in the country which cause the instability. The landslide victory for the second term provided him with adequate time to address the issue of drug trafficking and armed groups. The democratic security policy seeks to cater for the eudaemonia of all Colombians.(The Uribe Administrations pop Security and Defense Policy, pg 1). The Colombian government has been working together with the US to fight drug trafficking groups and left-wing insurgent groups by consolidating state control so that the country is not a sanctuary of perpetrators of violence, terrorists and drug traffickers (Kirk, pg 52). This has protected the entire population from illegal drug trade and victimization by illegal armed groups. The government social programs have been well planned and coordinated unlike in populist regimes.The programs receive consistent and great financial support from the government in order to increase social and economic development across the country. In other populist regimes in Latin America, social programs are poorly coordinated, fail to reach the targeted beneficiaries and receive huge funds during the election period. Th is has not been the encase for Colombia. Uribes social programs to improve the living standards of the people by reducing inequalities has minimized sectoral and class conflicts in Colombia (US Central erudition,np) Agency.Populism is established when inequalities are not eliminated hence they create a social divide between the privileged and the underprivileged. In addition, populism is promoted when a large group of people who feel that they very minimal benefits from economic development support populists who promise to improve their welfare. In Colombia, the social divide has been addressed by the economic policy that has been implemented to improve income distribution. The benefits of the social programs reach the expected beneficiaries.The element of clientelism that still exists in Colombia prevents magnified political participation and mobilization. The political system is back up by faithfulness and loyalty and together with the development of professional class of poli ticians who are committed to intermediating between the voters and the state has made it difficult for populists to succeed. The government has original limits and checks in governance and intermediation between the state and the civil society is possible. Uribes leadership has not in any way attempted to mobilize the masses in efforts to overcome inequality and poverty.The efforts to improve leadership and promote democracy in the government oppose the utilization of state resources for personal interests or to maximize political support. This is a clear indication that Uribe is not a populist. However, his efforts to have the constitution amend so that he may run for a third term in office has made him resemble the populist presidents who undermine traditional institutions of democracy. President Uribe has shown great commitment in maintaining democratic institutions and addressing the needs of Colombia as a nation rather than focusing on issues that increase the support of the m asses.Why and how President Uribe efforts to make Colombia prosperous President Uribe has been making great efforts to make Colombia a prosperous nation costless of populism and leftist tendencies. Populism and leftist tendencies undermine democratic institutions and result to political instability that compromises prosperity of a nation. policy-making stability is meant to support economic prosperity which improves the living standards of the poor. This narrows the social divide that allows populism to contribute to low economic and social development.For instance, the social movement of leftist armed groups for decades has made it impossible for the government and the people to increase economic prosperity. The primary groups that are considered to be a threat to Colombias stability and peace are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the ELN guerillas. These groups rely on criminal activities to generate funds. War and drug trade have derailed economic prosperit y in Colombia for a long time (Livingstone, pg. 21). This has turned Colombia into one of the worlds largest midway for drug trafficking.President Uribe democratic security policy has improved both the national security and economic growth due to stability. In Uribes administration government policies, lack of populism is clear . This has been achieved by ensuring that market reforms move towards sustaining economic growth, reduction of poverty and unemployment as well as a reduction in inequality. Uribes economic policy has been able to move away from economic populism where emphasis is placed on the risk of deficit finance and inflation, reaction of economic agents on non-market policies and external constraints.Rather than mobilize the masses through the implementation of social programs that never benefit the people, Uribes government has developed and implemented sound social programs that distribute resources equally and have the living standards of the underprivileged improv ed. In other Latin American nations, social programs are implemented by the political leaders to win the support of the masses. Unfortunately, the people never benefit from the programs because a large proportion of the financial resources put aside to support the programs is either extra or embezzled.The allocation of resources to support government programs has been consistent, an issue that has improved economic growth in Colombia. transparency and democracy ensure that leaders are responsible and accountable. By improving the living standards of the people across the nation, Uribes leadership has made it difficult for political leaders to become populists by claiming to represent the underprivileged. The posture of leftist groups in Colombia has led to blood shed, prosperity of the drug trade and social injustice. These groups have been involved in the drug trade and in the rural areas impose their rules on the people.The domestic security policy has aimed at defeating armed groups such as the ELN and FARC. The president has expressed concern that some of the major security threats in Colombia include narcotics trade and terrorism. He has therefore taken a disenfranchised line stance against guerillas. Together with the assistance from its neighbors and the US, the Colombian government has managed to force out rebels from Colombias cities and towns. For example, the government has succeeded in fight the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. The need to restore peace in the country and invest in improving the welfare of the people has become a priority.For example, the security program that is implemented is expected to increase legal action against the perpetrators of crimes with high social impact, restore peace, reduce human rights violation as well as the dismantle terrorist or leftist groups. The security policy is expected to demobilize illegal groups, increase give-and-take capacity, engage civilians in leadership and increase defense spendi ng. Colombia is engaged in regional economic cooperation as a means of improving regional economic growth, political stability and security.For instance, President Uribe has been able to put aside political differences that Colombia has had with its neighbours such as Venezuela to pursue economic progress. Furthermore, because the neigbouring nations are concerned about the presence of illegal armed groups in Colombia, bilateral relations have made it possible for the nations to fight leftist groups together. Regional economic growth has had positive impact on the Colombian economy. President Uribe has been working hard to strengthen government institutions that increase freedom.For example, in 2004, President Uribe managed to engage citizens throughout the country in governance after he established a government present in about 1,099 municipalities in Colombia. President Alvaro Uribe supports free trade policies and has attempted to fight internal forces that cause political instab ility which affect the countrys economic and social development for decades. He has strong domestic policies that support government programs that invest people economically. For example, his administration supports economic cooperation with its neigbours.Diplomatic ties with the neighbours in Latin America has been supported, economic development supported and efforts to combat leftist tendencies improved. The Colombian government has been involved in expanding the countrys participation in the international trade, strengthening the rule of law, promoting good governanace, protecting human rights and reducing poverty (US Central Intelligence Agency, np). Conclusion Populism has been a common element in Latin American nations whereby the leaders attempt to win the support of the masses through mobilization.Countries such as Chile, Peru and Brazil have had populist political parties dominate political leadership. However, Colombia is a Latin American country that has managed to maint ain non-populism since the death of the populist Jorge Gaitan in 1948. The current Colombian President Alvaro Uribe policies have shown that he is not a populist. In addition, great efforts by Uribe to make Colombia prosperous free of populism and leftist groups have been successful. Works Cited Conniff, Michael. Populism in Latin America. University of Alabama Press, 1999 Dix, Robert. The Varieties of Populism the case of Colombia.Western. governmental Quarterly, 31, 334-351, 1978 Dornbusch, Rudiger and Edwards, Sebastian. Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America, University of sugar Press, 1991 Hylton, Forrest. Evil Hour in Colombia. New York Verso Books, 2006 Kirk, Robin . more(prenominal) Terrible Than Death Drugs, Violence, and Americas War in Colombia. United States PublicAffairs, 2004 Livingstone, Grace. Inside Colombia Drugs, Democracy, and War. Rutgers University Press, 2004 Palacios, Marco. Between Legitimacy and Violence A History of Colombia, 1875 2002. United Stat es of America Duke University Press, 2006 Roldan, Mary.Blood and Fire La Violencia in Antioquia, Colombia, 1946-1953. Duke University Press, 2002 Sharpless, Richard. Gaitan of Colombia a political biography. Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press, 1978 The Uribe Administrations Democratic Security and Defense Policy. Embassy of Colombia. Accessed on April, 29 2010from http//www. presidencia. gov. co/sne/visita_bush/documentos/security. pdf Urrutia, Miguel. On the Absence of Economic Populism in Colombia. University of Chicago Press, 1991 US Central Intelligence Agency. Colombia. Accessed on April 29, 2010 from https//www. cia. gov/library/ /the /co. html

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