
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Social Factors in Language Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Factors in Language Learning - undertake ExampleThis paper declares that nowadays the English language undergoes several magnetic declinations due to different factors. Among them people arsehole distinguish regional, social, personal and even gender variations. The most widespread and obvious one is regional variation of the English language.This discussion explores that thanks to the popularity of American media and British culture the speakers of both models adopt certain diction and pronunciation from each other. This process is commonly called accommodation. Apart from two main models of English regional renewal of this language includes several dialectal variations. There are regional dialects of English both, in the USA and keen Britain. Dialects vary mostly in vocabulary and these differences are quite large and numerous. Unfortunately, this contrast between speakers sometimes leads to conflicts and bulling because one dialect is considered to be more privileged than the other. However, people should abandon this prejudice and treat everyone equally. Depending on peoples social identities, they use different types of language. There are many factors which predetermine the practice of certain constructions, words and intonation. They include the level of education, sex, occupying job and age. In some countries with English speaking people social variation of the language does not play a huge role.

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