
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Public Affair class summary -- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Affair class summary -- - Essay ExampleTo be successful in the media relations a complete understanding of different media types such as print, broadcast and online media is essential. Moreover, the marrow is not always delivered as intended so to deal with the criticism an appointed spokesperson must(prenominal) have an authoritative, factual and credible way of approaching things. The criticism should be dealt with logical reasoning and defence mechanism is not an appropriate way of dealing. Moreover, the communications person must have a strong get by on all the media parameters with written plans, various options and deep investigative period to maneuver the crisis and leaks (Lee, Neeley and Stewart).This chapter is well instruction on the media relations. Fitch in the chapter suggests that a person should choose to work in an organization or with the boss who shares the similar values because it will make that person a stronger advocate of his missions. Before sho wtime up with any organization a proper research should be done on its history, previous records, their stated goals, missions and strategies and the long term plans. Clashes of interests in this line can lead to failure so apply the strategic positioning is mandatory. After completing the research and acquiring information about resources get familiarise with the media itself. It could be done by analyzing the perspectives of all communicators such as reporters and then by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of those potential partners and tone up for all opportunities and threats. The most important asset is the press list so it should be built and updated on time. Further there should be an emphasis on internal environment and timely strategies for the control of politics are essential. Other than that, the communication strategies should be developed so that all the criticisms and reviews of people could be handled intelligently (Fitch and Holt).The major focus of the cha pter is on explaining

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