
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Life Cycle Assessment Essay Example for Free

Life Cycle Assessment EssayThis Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) aims to estimate the environmental impact of the production of compact discsticks. All the different materials and processes required to manufacture postdles need to be interpreted into hearation to determine the impacts on the environment. The most common material used to manufacture set updles is paraffin wax. apiece groundworkdle comes in some type of individual package most of the time. Candle wicks are flummox development various natural fibers, such as reeds, rushes, or cotton. An important refinement in wick technology introduced the plaited wick, which burned much than unplaited wicks. Currently, twisted or plaited cotton makes up most of the wicks. The quarterdlestick is do of steel, or could also be made of admixture. The functional unit leave behind be a 125ml candle able to generate up to 25 hours of light. Each steel-made candlestick can only h gray unitary candle, and can be used several times.InputsParaffin wax Cotton Metal Materials for packaging Outputs fellate expellings when candles burn, paraffin wax emits greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide. Depletion of natural resources paraffin wax is derived from boisterous oil. Paraffin candles are petroleum products, a non renewable resource. It could increase pollution due to oil spills and the processes mandatory to extract petroleum. At the same time, the extraction of metal needed for the candlestick causes oversize volumes of solid waste, requires large amounts of energy, and produces air, soil, and water pollution. Chemicals toxicity some candles might have lead or zinc in their wick, which red harmful gasses when they burn. Also, scented candles can release toxins from the chemicals used to give them scent.Question 2 of 3 (10 points) bodily Environmental Management ToolsEcolabelling Swan eco-label was developed for candles by the Nordic ecolabelling. The main purpose is to abridge the emission and effec t of substances harmful to users health and the reduction of gases that have and impact on climate change. According to this scheme, 19 out of 28 are environmental requirements, such as description of the candle, description of chemical additives, among others. creation for the Environment Enabling consumers to quickly identify products that are safer and that can help protect the environment pull up stakes make them choose a certain product more frequently. If manufacturers start focusing on producing candles that are made from the safest possible ingredients, consumers, producers, and the environment will benefit.Sustainability reports Keeping track of environmental performance and the capacity of a company to use and maintain resources in a way that prevents depletion, will improve economic, and social performance. If candles can be produced in a more sustainable way, that is, using substitutes sources that are renewable and less harmful, the nett product will be more undefea ted in all the areas. Therefore, reporting this information will allow constant improvement of all the processes. Integrated supply chain management It is important to drive in which stages in a supply chain are the ones that are being less efficient, and negatively touch on the production of a good, in this case, candlesticks. Determining these processes can enable their improvement to have a more environmentally friendly supply chain.Carbon footprint As we need metals for producing a candlestick, we depend on large amounts of energy and, if the energy is generated using fossil fuels, it has a large carbon footprint. Measuring carbon footprint allows the whole manufacturing process to be analyzed, realizing which stages have a stronger impact and how can they be improved. spick production improvement of the machinery used in each stage of production can decrease the environmental impact of producing candles, as it will decrease waste created after different processes. It can als o make the processes more efficient, benefiting the company. Development of technology has made these improvements possible. Stakeholder analysis every single company must consider all the interested parts in a product as they are the ones that decide how successful and efficient a good will is. If the manufacturing of candlesticks is for example affecting the surroundings of a plant, people, that are consumers too, can generate social impacts that will worsen the companys performance and image.Question 3 of 3 (4 points)Challenges and limitationsCandles can be made of different types of wax that have different impacts on the environment. Some of the piercing materials that could be used to produce a candle can be less harmful than others. The candleholder carriage span could vary depending on the quality of the metal that is being used. Therefore, changing the life span of the candlestick. modulation from a Cradle to Grave to a Cradle to CradleSteel has high scrap metal recycling value. Old metal material can be reused to make new products. Recycling old metal products uses 95% less energy than manufacturing it using new materials. Metal recycling processes require using a lot of energy. If we recycle metal products we only have to use a low role of this total energy, decreasing the use of our natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.To minimize wasteful wrap up of candles, the material used for packaging can reduce the environmental impact by choosing more recyclable materials. Aluminum, for instance, could be used as a base for the candles, or even to manufacture a candleholder, considering it can be easily recycled. Glass, can be recycled too, reused, and even upcycled into new materials or products. Avoiding candles with extra plastic packaging can also decrease the negative impacts on the environment. In addition to packaging decisions, considering the materials used for manufacturing of candles can benefit the producers, consumers and the environment. For example, soy and beeswax candle emit fewer harmful chemicals when burned. Another way to reduce pollution is to buy from local candlemakers. This reduces wasteful packaging, and there is no need to transport raw materials to a farther manufacturing plant, and to consumers at longer geographical distances. Thus, reducing fuel usage and supporting local businesses as well.

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