
Wednesday, May 1, 2019

British Colonialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

British Colonialism - Essay ExampleWhen a territory builds and maintains colonies in other territories, this is known as colonialism (Kohn, 2006). When the West or Europe pictured the Arabic and Asian states, they showed people living darkness and void (Kumar, 2007). They showed they did not trust to grow and get updated. They showed that the people were simple and could be made to do anything. This is what was thought about conspiracy America and Africa when it was colonized (Kumar, 2007). This also brought these governments the support of their citizens (Kumar, 2007).When Europe wanted to conquer these Oriental countries, they passed a means to the people that they wanted to develop the territory to be colonized. They planned to strip the territory of its hi paper and cultures and constitute a new one as they seem to be fit (Kumar, 2007). Orientalism was so depicted and explained as if it was a curse or a bad thing going on in the world. The adjust meaning of orient was hidd en and in the shade of Orientalism, the West exploited and colonized the Asian and the Arabic countries (Kohn, 2006).Thus, Orientalism was one of the tools used by Europe to colonize the Arabic and Asian Countries (Kohn, 2006). ... Vathek (Salah, 2007)One of the examples of orientalism among the British colonial writers was Vathek (1782) by William Thomas Beckford. Beckford (1760-1844) was and English novelist (introduction to Beckfordiana). He was also a member of the parliament from 1784 to 1790. Vathek was originally pen in French at a time when orientalism was entranced in the European population. The plot tells the history of the fictional ruler Vathek who falls from power and then engages himself in deplorable activities with his mother to gain marvelous powers. The setting of the tale is oriental, i.e., in the Arabic countries. The novel clearly shows how backward and downgraded the people of the East were considered. The story clearly shows the supernatural and superstiti ous beliefs and casts the image of the Eastern countries as those who live in the early ages when everything was considered to be supernatural and science and technology played no role.Kubla Khan (Library, 1999)Another example of orientalism among the British colonial writers is the metrical composition Kubla Khan written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge (1772-1834) was an English poet and a romantic (Poetry Foundation). Kubla Khan is a poem describing about a king who claims to be Son of God and thus ascends to the throne on the pace that God wants him to rule. He makes his subjects build him a house that is suitable for residence for the Son of God.This poem though short shows how the countries in the East are ruled through superstitions and that the British need to go and excuse the people from such superstitious beliefs of the people there. Thus they could potrait the image among their people that they are colonizing the territory to compensate but instead destroy the c ulture and history of the

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